Passé Simple: Irregular Verbs

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》Most irregular Verbs in the passé simple tend to end in i or u. In this instance, they take a different set of endings.

Je- s
Tu- s
Il/ elle/ on- t
Nous- ^mes
Vous- ^tes
Ils/ elles- rent

Example: Avoir
Stem: Eu
Tu eus
Il/ elle/ on eut
Nous eûmes
Vous eûtes
Ils/ elles eurent

Here are some of the irregular stems:
Note that these are usually the same as their past participle, or something similar.
Avoir- eu
Être- fu
Faire- fi
Boire- bu
Devoir- du
Connaître- connu
Dire- di
Lire- lu
Pouvoir- pu
Prendre- pri
Recevoir- reçu

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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