Reflexive Verbs

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These are the verbs for myself/ yourself/ himself/ herself/ oneself/ ourselves/ themselves

In French, they are identified with the word 'se' plus the infinitive, e.g. se laver- to wash oneself
However, the 'se' must agree depending on the pronoun before it.

Je- me
Tu- te
Il/ elle/ on- se
Nous- nous
Vous- vous
Ils/ elles- se


Je me lave- I wash myself
Tu te promènes- You walk
Il se bronze- He tans (himself)
Elle s'habille- She gets dressed
On s'appelle- one calls oneself/ one is called
Nous nous levons- we get up
Vous vous couchez- you go to bed
Ils se regardent- they look at themselves
Elles se trouvent- they find themselves

Examples of reflexive verbs:

S'habiller- to dress oneself
Se promener- to go for a walk
Se laver- to wash oneself
Se lever- to get up
Se reveiller- to wake up
Se coucher- to go to bed
Se bronzer- to get a tan

A lot of verbs can also become reflexive.

When using the two verb rule with these verbs, always agree the 'se' part.

Je vais me promener- I'm going to go for a walk
Vous voulez vous coucher- you want to go to bed

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