Sentence Structure

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Sentence Structure in French has a similar order as English (subject-verb-object)

The subject is the noun/ pronoun e.g. je, elle, Marie, Marc, etc.

》The object tends to be what the action happens to, e.g. Marie s'est cassé la jambe- Marie broke her leg

Statements: This sentence refers to anything with a full stop.
》J'y vais chaque jour- I go there everyday
》Elles étaient coiffeuses- They used to be hairdressers

Questions: Sentences ending with a '?'
The key question words are:
Qui- Who?
Que- What?
Où- Where?
Pourquoi- Why?
Quand- When?
Comment- How?
Qu'est-ce que- What?
Est-ce que- Do?

Negations: Put ne before the verb, and a negation after it
These negations include:
Pas- not
Gùere- hardly/ scarely
Point- not at all
Aucun- not any
Jamais- never
Rien- nothing
Personne- no one

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