Chapter One- Coming Together

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"So let me get this straight our first task is to rob a bank?" I ask Jade as he nodded his head and gave me a shrug. My eyes grew wide and I looked at Ohaji who simply just continued drinking the alcohol in his cup.

There was only three of us how the hell do you rob a bank with only three people? I didn't want to express my fear because I was afraid Jade would label me useless and kill me for slowing him and his brother down. I understand we needed money but I figured we'd just wait and try and map stuff out before just jumping into robbing a bank.

"What are you scared of?" Jade asked irritated as I played with my freshly dyed dark curly hair and chewed on my bottom lip.

"I just don't want to get caught that's all" I tell him as he and Ohaji busted out laughing and did a handshake before he got up from the table and pulled out a newspaper walking it over to me and handing me it.

"2 Man crew rob Bank in Miami Florida and get away" I read out loud before looking at them wide eyed. The news had talked about this for months and couldn't understand how only two people could have pulled it off and here they were.

"Word of advice ma, stop asking so many questions and you just might survive" Jade said winking at me before walking out of the motel leaving me with Ohaji, who I'm not even afraid of anymore I've seen how he acts at night he's such a baby.

"Why were you so quick to turn against your dad?" Ohaji asked as his side eyes me and continued to drink his alcoholic beverage.

"I've always been against my dad he practically hates me, I'm not some type of snake I don't play people so don't think that about me" I tell him as he nodded and continued to look me over carefully like he was missing something.

"When I was thirteen this girl I was really close with and use to date got gunned down right in front of me, and my moms who I was really close with is out strung on drugs somewhere now, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit harsh to you I just don't like getting close with people and they end up leaving or fucking me over in the end" He tells me as I nodded understanding the reasoning behind him being so mean.

I've always had a small groups friends because I've always had a hard time trusting people so it was easy seeing where he was coming from. My father and I rarely had conversation and I could count on one hand how many times he's said something nice to me.

"I'm trying to act like it doesn't bother me but even though I've known you and Jade for a week I wanna thank you both for not killing me and giving me a chance unlike my father did" I tell him as he tried to hold back the grin on his face.

"Don't try and go all soft on me now we still ain't cool, but use all that hate you got for your dad and use that as a good excuse to make this money ya feel me?" He asked as I nodded just as Jade walked back into the room.

I admired them both because of their relationship. I didn't have any siblings growing up so I always felt like I was robbed of that joy. All my friends had younger or older sisters they'd complain about but it was almost always me and my mom and sometimes my dad when he came around to be with my mom.

"You know how to shoot a gun?" Jade asked closing the door quickly and walking over to the black duffle bag that was on the floor in the room. The same bag that Ohaji got from the warehouse early this week.

I shook my head slowly as Ohaji looked at his brother a second before walking over to the window and peeking out. He quickly gave me a look and I knew something was about to go down I just wasn't ready for it right now.

"There's a lot of people out there so you better try something" Jade said handing me a handgun as my lip began to tremble. I watched him and Ohaji load up guns before they tossed me the car keys and told me to go out the bathroom window. I knew that if they were in here shooting I'd have to worry about getting safely to the car by myself.

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