Chapter Fourteen- The offering

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I opened my eyes and noticed Ivory and I were on the ground wrapped up in a blanket. I sat up and walked my naked ass into the bathroom to take a quick shower trying to remember how many times we went at it last night.

I remembered Ivory tried to tap out after round three but I made her go for another two rounds until I couldn't go anymore and collapsed from tiredness.

When I got out of the shower I walked back into the bedroom and she was still knocked out on the floor. I smiled to myself and dropped the towel and pulled on my boxers before grabbing my phone and looking at the thirty missed calls from Ohaji, Rico and Silas.

I quickly dialed Rico and put the phone to my ear while I put on deodorant and a pair of camouflage true religion jeans.

"Where the fuck was you last night?" Rico yelled on the phone and I glanced at the clock noticing it was only 10 in the morning.

"Nigga is you gonna tell me whats up or not? I don't got all day" I tell him grabbing a white crooks and castle T-shirt and pulling it over my head.

"Two of our warehouses got robbed last night and everyone inside was killed, we think Al and Will teamed up and are behind this shit, all of our connects have been hit badly too, meet us at the main trap in a hour" Rico said before hanging up and I sighed shaking my head.

"Hitting and quitting already?" Ivory asked with a giggle as she sat up and wrapped the covers around her waist. I bit my lip as I watched her walk into the bathroom making sure to twist her hips extra so I'd see.

I slide on some black socks before pulling on a pair of white Nikes and walking into the bathroom to get some cologne and brush my teeth before I left out.

"Where are we going?" Ivory asked when she stepped out of the shower with the towel wrapped around her body. I quickly spit the toothpaste in the sink before answering her.

"I got a little business to take care of don't worry about it just take Asia and go shopping" I tell her as I handed her my black card and walked out of the bathroom with her following behind me with a scowl on her face.

"I do business too don't just try and cut me ou-" she started to say before I kissed her lips and grabbed my car keys rushing down the stairs ignoring everything she was saying. I didn't want her involved with this because these niggas were unpredictable.

I got into my ride and sped off towards the warehouse to see how bad everything was. I knew I wasn't about to hear the end of it once I got there, it's not my fault though I couldn't just take Ivory's virginity and then up and leave that would of been fucked up.

When I got to the warehouse I stepped out of the car and walked through the door ignoring what some of the crew was saying to me. I stepped over blood making sure to not get any in my all white Nikes and walked into the room where a meeting was being held.

"Oh so he finally joins us, this is the place your suppose to be running so please let me know how this was able to happen, everybody's dead bruh" Ohaji said standing up and folding his arms. I know this nigga ain't about to take it there with me it's to goddamn early for all this bickering and shit.

"My security is better than everybody's security this shit could of happened to anybody and you all know that shit, don't try and call me out on fuck shit foreal" I said taking a seat and Rico simply shook his head.

I ignored what was being said during the meeting and spent my time deleting numbers in my phone. No point in having dead nigga names in your phone when you can't call em no more. I felt bad that I wasn't here being much of a leader but now that I think about it they were hoping that I was going to be here.

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