Chapter Eight- The evoltuion of Jade and Ivory

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"Silas you have to the count of five to get your nasty underwear out of the microwave" I threatened putting my hair up in a bun. He was working my last nerve and I was about ready to punch him in the throat so he'd learn that we have a dryer to dry clothes we don't use microwaves.

Silas quickly grabbed his underwear from me and ran before I could smack him. He was testing my patience I was so ready to enroll him in a public high school so he'd get a education because last week he told me that he thought Canada was a part of California.

It had been a week since I hung out with Jade and I spent most of the time ignoring him and he did the same. I wanted to kiss him I really did but I knew I would just be setting myself up for a heartbreak because thugs don't ever settle down and I didn't want to be with someone who'd hurt me, I've been hurt enough.

I felt arms wrap tightly around my waist and the smell of polo filled my nose causing me to roll my eyes already knowing exactly who it was.

"You gonna make daddy some dinner?" Ohaji asked kissing my cheek and I frowned and pushed him away causing him to bust out laughing and cup my chin with his hands running a finger over my lip. I quickly swatted his hand away and we began playfully fighting in the kitchen, he was trying to get me on the ground but I knew he'd try and hump me and that wasn't happening.

"I'm about to go handle some business, you seen Jade?" Ohaji asked me and I shook my head no before looking towards the kitchen door and noticed Reina walking down the stairs in one of Jades T-shirts.

She saw me looking and gave me a wink as she walked into the kitchen and began eating one of the cookies I had made. I felt my blood start to boil considering I didn't make those for her I made them for my household.

"Why the fuck you eating my shit? Tell Jade broke ass to take you somewhere you already know I don't even fuck with you like that" Ohaji said getting loud and she quickly looked like she was about to piss her self.

I watched as Ohaji snatched the cookie from her hand and bit it before giving me a quick wink and walked out of the kitchen headed upstairs to get Jade.

I noticed the look Reina was giving me so I shrugged and stepped around her not wanting to start a argument. I was slowly starting to feel accepted and Silas and I were growing closer everyday it was to the point were I couldn't see myself without him in my life.

I bumped into Jade who wasn't wearing a shirt and nearly fell over until he caught me and made sure I was good. I looked into his dark eyes and felt my stomach doing back flips but before I could even speak to him he walked away. I knew he was still mad about me not kissing him back but I had my reasons.

"Silas do you want to go out to dinner with me?" I asked doing my puppy dog face. I needed fresh air and I didn't feel like hanging around the house anymore.

"As long as you paying then I'm good" Silas said dancing up the stairs and I rolled my eyes and smiled at how goofy he was.

"Can we have a talk, woman to woman" Reina said coming up behind me and I turned around gulping. I wasn't much of a fighter considering I'd never been in one but I was always more of a peace maker and I knew no matter what I did she'd always not like me for the dumbest reason.

"Yeah, sure what is it?" I asked as she twirled her hair on her finger. She took a step closer getting directly in my face.

"You may live here but don't you ever forget Jade is mine, okay?" She asked giving me a smirk and I simply shrugged again and walked away avoiding confrontation with her.

I ran up the stairs to go get ready to go out to dinner with Silas. I wasn't going to let Reina and her petty drama get to me it's not even worth it.

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