Chapter Seventeen- Snitches and Truth

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I woke up in this bright ass room and my vision was blurry so for a moment I thought I was dead or something. When I finally started to see clear I could see Ivory and a lady dressed in white who I'm assuming to be a nurse talking in the doorway.

I lifted my arm to wipe my eyes and winced in pain. It felt like all of me was hurting and I didn't know what to do.

"I see your awake, we need to talk" Ivory said pushing my dreads from out of my face and I took a deep breath as she hugged me before sitting in a chair and looking at me with disapproving eyes.

"Can I have some water first? My throats dry" I say and she handed me a paper cup that was by her and I began drinking like I hadn't drunk anything in forever. I heard her sniffling and I looked at her for a second before lifting my hand to wipe her tears.

"Don't cry Ivory I'm okay and I'm not going anywhere" I try and convince her but she simply shook her head.

"You scared the hell out of me and I don't want you doing this anymore you haven't been seventeen for that long and I feel like if you keep continuing to do this you're going to die and I can't handle that Silas, you need to stop" She says taking a hold of my hand.

"The streets raised my ass and if I died today I'd die with a smile on my face, proud as hell to die for my homies these dudes are like my blood Ivory, they took care of me when NOBODY wanted to and I respect everybody I'm not going to just abandon them when they need me" I tell her in all honestly.

I use to be a shy ass timid kid who barely spoke in school and I never really had any friend I just always kept to myself but a person can only take so much shit until they just change and turn into someone they never thought they'd be.

"Remember when you told me you get scared? Silas you don't have to do this I promise you Jade won't be mad Rico and O won't be mad just tell me right now do you want to leave?" Ivory asked and I bit rubbed my eyes and stared straight ahead.

"Leaving won't fix shit but just make me a coward and I'm not going back to school Ivory that's not a place I'm comfortable in or where I want to be" I tell her looking into her eyes but she quickly broke eye contact and looked away.

The room grew quiet and I knew she was upset with me but that's exactly how I felt and I didn't see my opinion changing anytime soon.

I grabbed a hold of Ivory's hand and she looked up at me and I forced out a smile which she returned.

"Thank you for everything thing you do for me, I love you and I'd die for you whenever" I tell her kissing her hand and she laughed and nodded.

"Everybody was waiting for you to wake up, let me go gather them" Ivory said walking out of the room and I relaxed back on the bed in deep thought.

I prayed to god Jade had his shit together cause I won't be underaged forever. I chuckled as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I would of killed your ass if you died on me" O said walking into the room first and looking at me. I shook my head at his stupid ass, how the hell could he kill me if I was already dead? But knowing him he'd kill himself just to come to hell to make my life miserable just cause he felt like it.

"You know I wouldn't go out that easy" I say dapping him Rico and Jade. Rico helped me sit up in the bed to take some of the pressure off of my back.

"Dice and Dallas are dead and we took out one of Al's main trap houses and one of Will's a couple nights ago and now were working on getting their connect next" Jade said lowly and my eyes grew wide.

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