Chapter Twenty Five- The Storm

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The doctor said it was because I was stressing and I needed to relax or the baby's could be harmed and this was like a warning before things got to serious.

I was now laying in bed back at the hotel as Jade gave me a back massage and scolded me for not taking better of myself. It's not my fault though a lot of things have been happening and I can't control how it's been making me feel.

"How do you think Asia's doing?" I asked Jade and he stayed quiet for a moment probably trying to figure out what to say to make me feel better. She hadn't been responding back to any of my texts and I know being pregnant has to be hard for her.

"Don't worry about it let me handle it you need to be relaxed and worried about this pregnancy" he said giving my back a pinch and I began laughing.

"I'm not going to just leave her hanging because she wouldn't do that to me" I stated and he climbed off of me.

I sat up in bed and sat next to him and put my foot in his lap and he began massaging it. He was quiet for a second and I wondered if he was going to say something to me or not but he didn't he just continued massaging my feet.

"I can't stop you from being a good friend just be careful and don't let her make you depressed that's all I'm saying" he said finally looking up at me and I nodded and kissed his lips.

"Remember when you couldn't stand my ass?" I asked and he started chuckling uncontrollably and had to holrd onto his stomach while he continued to laugh.

"I ain't never have a problem with you I told you about that" he said muffling his laughs. I shoved him away because he wouldn't stop me.

I pulled at his twists and kissed him again. It was true though I thought we'd end up murdering each other because of how mean he was to me. He and Ohaji would pretend like I didn't exist.

"I knew I loved you when I met you, I just couldn't let you know that cause I didn't trust you yet" Jade said touching on my stomach as he relaxed and chilled out.

"I kind of originally thought O was cute because he was nicer to me than you" I told him and he frowned and looked at me.

"Well it's good you came to your senses because if you didn't I would of had to kill you" he laughed but I stared at him knowing he was being completely serious.

I cuddled up closer to him and made him hold me closer. He was whispering things in my ear and for the first time in awhile I felt completely relaxed and fully happy. I wanted to marry him more than anything and I prayed he felt the same way.

"Can we please stay like this for the rest of the night? Pretty please" I begged holding onto him tighter and he lightly chuckled.

"I got some business to handle with Silas and Victor, that was the point of us coming out her but I'll be here when you wake up in the morning I promise" he said kissing my forehead as he climbed out of bed.

I frowned and sat up watching him pull on his shoes. Now that Rico is gone I always got afraid when he left out because I expected something bad to happen to him and I wouldn't see him again.

"Promise you'll come right back?" I asked and he glanced over as he slid his shoes on and a smile played across his lips.

"Yeah I might even wake you up with a surprise" he winked and I playfully rolled his eyes knowing what he meant.

Jade kissed me again before leaving out and I got out of bed and locked the door before getting into the shower and washing the day off of me.

When I finally was able to relax I picked up my phone and dialed Asia's number but it went straight to voicemail again so I left another message praying she'd call me back or something because I couldn't enjoy myself without knowing if she was okay.

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