Chapter Thirty Six- Kiss Goodbye Part 2

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Anaya and I reached the warehouse first and parked up the road away from it. It was huge, bigger than the ones the boys run and I could only image how man people work inside of there and how much were probably out numbered by.

I glanced at Anaya and she stared into our space probably thinking about Ohaji which was normal for her. I had these butterflies in my stomach I was trying to make go away and they weren't helping the situation at all.

"Can you calm my nerves please I feel like I'm about to throw up everywhere, where is everyone?" I asked Anaya and she started crying before looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry Ivory, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Anaya choked out and before I could respond I was being pulled out of a car and carried away as I screamed and kicked. Anya set me up, this fake bitch set all of us up.

All of the screaming I was doing must of made whoever was carrying me mad because he punched me in the face and threw me over his shoulder as my vision began getting blurry.

I could hear the clicking of Anaya's shoes and I knew she was following behind closely. She tried to wipe the blood dripping from my nose but I hit her hand away and prayed that everyone else would hurry up and not fall for the same shit I did.

When we got inside I was thrown in this room and forced inside with Anaya as the doors closed and locked.

"Ivory lis-" she started but I zoned her out and stared at the wall.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck you've just done? You think after I'm dead my father will keep you alive? What about when Ohaji find out because you do realize that my daughter is his niece and if anything happens to her or me he'd kill you without even thinking about it right?" I asked and she started sniffling back tears.

"Ivory, Ohaji set all of this up" she said choking back tears and my eyes grew wide, he wouldn't that fucking bastard wouldn't do this.

"I don't believe you he wouldn't team up with Will" I said not even believing myself right now. She nodded her head yes and I started crying.

"He didn't have anything to do with Reina's death or Will taking your baby, I don't know what his motives are Ivory you know how he is the only thing I know is he told me to make sure that they got you and that's what I did" Anaya said wiping her tears and I took deep breaths.

"Give me your gun" I said sucking in my tears and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ivory I said I was so-" she started but I got up and started walking towards her not wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Give me your fucking gun, I'm done playing these cat and mouse games" I said and she reached behind her and hesitantly handed me the gun.

"Promise you won't kill me" she said wiping her tears.

"Fine I promise" I said with a shrug and she handed me the gun. I observed it and she watched me closely before I turned the gun on her.

"You said you wouldn't" she said quickly standing and I smiled.

"I lied, so what?" I shrugged before pulling the trigger and watched how quickly the bullet tore through her head making her body slump onto the ground. Of course a guard rushed in to see what was going on and I shot him before he could even get his gun out.

I'm so tired of this shit I don't care anymore because I've finally reached my mental breakdown and anyone who stands in front of me getting my daughter is dying it's simple.

I walked slowly through the hallways trying to avoid guards. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket with a text from Don asking where I was but I didn't reply. I didn't know who I could trust anymore Jade could've been working with Ohaji the whole time.

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