Chapter Thirteen- There's a first time for everything

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I watched as Jade forced his mother to shower before dressing her into sweats and pushing her into a chair in the kitchen with a sandwich sitting in front of her.

She'd been with us for 2 days and Jade hadn't gotten any sleep, he'd spent most of his time checking on her so she wouldn't leave. I don't even think he'd talked to Ohaji about any of this but today was the day she was going to go to rehab.

"Do you want me to comb your hair? I'll even braid it if you like" I asked her as she scratched uncomfortably in her seat. I felt so bad for her, I could tell she was probably a really beautiful woman before all of this happened.

"I don't need your fucking help leave me alone" she snapped at me causing Jade to glare at her for a while before walking over.

"Who am I? If you can tell me who I am then I'll let you go" Jade said looking into her eyes and pulling up a chair so that he was seated directly in front of her. I looked between the both of them and saw a small resemblance but it was obvious he and Ohaji's took after their father rather then their her.

Jades mother stared at him for awhile while she shifted in her seat and scratched her body. It didn't matter how many showers Jade made her take she still scratched like there was layers and layers of dirt still on her.

"Your a kidnapper, just wait until I get out of here and tell the police you took advantage of me" His mom said causing him to scrunch his face up in disgust and stare at her in disbelief.

"Nah I'm your youngest son ma" Jade said and her eyes grew wide and she moved away from him when he tried to grab her hands.

"My sons are only a baby, your a grown ass man" his mother semi yelled causing Jade to shake his head in disbelief and hurt. I pulled Jades hand bringing him out of the kitchen and into the living room.

He sat on the couch covering his face and I grabbed his hands pulling them away from his face and squatting in front of him.

"Stop stressing and calm down I don't want this to worry you because your already starting to loose your cool" I tell him kissing his lips lightly causing him to smile a little bit and bite my lip.

"What would I do without you huh?" Jade asked I shrugged and sat on his lap and he pulled me close and hugged me tight like he didn't want to ever let me go. I took in his scent and smiled at the thought of him potentially being the guy I marry.

I was beginning to think it was time we took our relationship to the next level considering he's been really patient and understanding.

"Since you've been so patient I think tonight's the night,me take this to the next level" I whisper in his ear and froze. I looked at him like he was crazy considering he'd been trying to get some from the longest and now he's acting scared.

Jade kissed my lips before getting up and sitting me on the couch in the process and I stared at him with a mug on my face. His ass better not be rejecting me or it's my turn to shoot him and I might accidentally shoot him in the face, that's how annoyed I am.

I watched Jade walk back into the kitchen with his mother and wondered if he was hiding something. What if he cheated? Or what if he didn't find me attractive anymore and was only with me out of guilt? Nah I get a lot of compliments I know I still look good.

I walked up the stairs to Silas's room while he was on FaceTime with some girl. I smirked at all the cute things he was saying to her and wondered why he hadn't told me he had a girlfriend, that's something I need to know so I can be nosy.

"Was that bae? Why haven't you told me you have a bae?" I asked smiling at him and he rolled his eyes and hung up before laying back on the bed with a scowl on his face.

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