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i'm mute.

and no that is not cute.

yes I can speak, but it's hard because I squeak.

and no there's nothing you can do.

my voice can be loud but it hurts my throat and when they ask me to swim, no, I won't float.

I can barely speak when I'm in my dark room, it's like I'm trapped in my own tomb.

I'm mute.

and no that is not cute.

I can't scream for help in the dark tomb, because only flies come and I'm doomed.

they tell me to speak louder because I have a soft voice, but those are only the people who know I don't have much of a choice.

they tell at me to speak louder because they think I'm just shy or don't respect the stupid guy.

they shout at me to speak louder because they think I'm afraid...

well yeah, I am afraid—afraid of them because you shame me for being who I am.

I'm afraid of loud noises because that's what's shaped me to be who i am.

I'm afraid of the things in my mind and no they are not at all kind.

they scream like you and they are not mute.

they push and push and jab and yell at me to speak, speak, speak, speak, speak–


and this time... it is not at all cute.

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Hey guys, I'm so very sorry for the absence lately and just not writing in general. Things have been so very stressful and so much has been happening, I wish I could not have this stupid writer's block... I'm so sorry :(
Wish you all a lovely day.. see ya!

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