night to day what do you say?

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I think what I'll miss most is your joy. the way you laugh, it sounds like adorable giggles filled with sweet tunes. and by gosh that smile is beautiful.

I think I'll miss the way you get motivated or competitive or inspired, as well. I'll miss all of your emotions. even the one's that scared me.

but hell, I'm terrified now.
the night is now day because you spoke of what you wanted instead of what you needed or what you already had.

I was not good enough for such a nymph like you. I was not appreciated... and how I try to get your attention, I try to not bore you, I try to not leave, I try to have my attention even to you. but how can I when you're not willing to pour the water in the glass too.

Half empty. That's what it is. Possibly to you. I see nothing in that glass.

I know, love, we make mistakes but you've tripped over that log in the familiar forest so many times. we've walked that same path every month. but now how common is every week, except you go without me. you go in hopes to find her again and hope that she'll care and make you happy like I thought I did. she'll be your light now, and you'll leave me like I was nothing.

and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for the times I didn't listen to your story. I'm sorry for the times I didn't find a spectacular thing to do on that rainy day. I'm sorry I didn't listen to your suggestion on that video game that one time. I'm sorry I snapped for getting frustrated at you.

but I'm not sorry for your actions. I'm not sorry for your careless words and actions around others. I'm not sorry for the unspeakable amount of times I've felt jealous of how easy it was for you to find people and make accustoms. I'm not sorry for your choices and I'm not sorry for your repeated mistakes you've still yet to see.

but I'll be waiting. and I usually don't tell the sun, "I told you so." when it goes down for the moon to shine at night. though, this time, I'll either stay silent or you'll bare with the cruelty I'll give you. because no matter how many times that sun sets, it makes no difference to the amount of times you've taken the moon for granted.

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