Chapter two

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  I like this song, ok carry on

   " What now?" I thought to myself.

I turned around slowly. Niko started panting. " Dude, you just ran down the hallway and now you are tired?"

He glared at me. " Its not like you haven't down that before."
Actually he was right. "What do you want Niko?"Camille asked.

The three of us had been best friends with each other since 5th grade. Niko could be very annoying, but you could trust him with anything.

With Camille, she was your everyday fashion police and a great friend to have when you need a helping hand.

" I'm running a club and I need you two to be in it." He replied back.
" What type of club?"
" Its a drama club and are training ourself for the next school play. Plus we mess around sometimes."
" Like duh. What else are you going to do there? Eat pizza?"
" Actually that is a great idea! Thanks Camille!"
" And why exactly do you need us to join your club?" I retorted.

Niko looked down from embarrassment. " Uhh, well," he scratched his head " There is only four people in the club right now and I need at least ten people in the club. So I can meet my requirements for the club."

I smirked at him. "You do realize we don't act or do does melodramas?"
"Yeah but you guys are my friends and I am desperate right now"

I looked over to Camille; lifting up an eyebrow. She cocked her head to the side. "Ok we are in but you have to own us big time."

" Yes! Thanks guys. I will make it up. The next meeting is tomorrow at the school theatre!" He yelled back as he was walking away.

" Ok, now let's head over to lunch. I'm starving!" I exclaimed.
Camille laughed," No kidding, I heard your stomach grumble."
I grinned back in rely. All of the sudden, Camille stopped in her tracks.

Find out why Camille stopped all of the sudden! Stay looney tune for the next chapter!
Please comment and vote for my book. (Only if you want tho).

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