Chapter 10

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Almost forgot to update a chapter today!

I started with a classic once upon a time....

Then fell asleep.


Side author note: I just noticed that there were new emojis for the iPhone. 🤪🤩🤨🤬🤯🤮🤫🤭

I was brainstorming for ideas and phrases or words for about a good half hour when my phone dinged again.




So you remember I told you about giving this girl a gift?


Well can you help me decide? I'm planning to give it to her on Monday.

Sure! Hmm.. didn't you say that she likes nature?


You can give her a scrapbook with different types of leaves

That is a great idea Shannon. You're the best

I know that 😜

K see u around


I wonder who Nik is going to give it to. I hope that girl is nice, Nik is like the best brother and friend you could ever have.

I sighed and decided to text Camille.


Hey!!!      She texted back immediately

What are you doing rn?

U know, the usuals... painting my nails and watching it dry

Srsly?! Watching it dry?

Yup, got nothing better to do, how bout u?

Finishing up some hw.. guess what


I'm heading over to Jax tmr.

Oooo Jax...

Uhhh.. *coughs* u do realize he's my cousin?

What? A girl can dream

I think I rather be your friend than a relative member...

😱 srsly? Well... same lol. But u know I'm crushin on Daven...

Ugh not that dude! He's just a user!

Excuse me, show some respect here, I would be supporting for your crush.

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