Chapter 9

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Sorry I posted late. Better late than never... lol

Please listen to this song, it's so good! Trust me

How you doin. That person typed in.

I grunted a bit before replying back.

You know it would've been easier if you just tell me who you are. Cuz it's pretty creepy to just ask me how I'm doin.

I typed in.

Sheesh Louise. Feisty girl. You know what I will tell you tomorrow, how bout that?

You better be. Hmph.

Well, you didn't answer my question yet

I'm doin fine, so far boring.

Well tomorrow gonna be a fun day right?

Uhhhh hmmm no answer.


Ok bye now I guess

Yeah... bye

I closed my phone.

I decided to read few more chapters of the book I'm reading and leave for home.


I just got home from the bike ride when my mom called me up.

(This is a side note from the author: I'm having trouble converting the italics to normal font and it won't entirely let me and I'm too lazy to go word by word to change it, so I'm going to stay with this font throughout this chapter. Sorry!)

"Hey Shannon! Come up here."

"What is it?" I yelled out as I was putting my bike away.

"Just come here!"

"Ok hold on"

I went to the kitchen table where my mom was sitting at.


"I just got a text from my cousin, which is your Aunt Tora and she invited us to come eat at their place tomorrow for dinner."

"Is Jax going to be there?"

"Of course"

I internally screamed a yes.

"So we're coming? Do you want to come?" My Mom asked


"Ok I'm going to text her that we will be coming over."

I walked up to my room and thought about the mystery texter.

That person is right. Tomorrow is going to be fun! Especially with Jax there.

He is like the best cousin in the whole wide world! We are pretty close from the beginning, mostly because we both have no siblings.

Jax is the same age as me but different grade. So that means he is pretty young around at his grade. He is a late bird considering the age.

(I'm 15 and he is 15 too. But I'm a sophomore and he is a junior; high school ).

Can't wait to go there! Plus aunt Tora is a cool mom. She relates to teenagers a lot of times.

Probably because she married at a young age. She married around 25 yrs old.

I decided to work on my journalism homework.

All I need is a good topic... Finally I came up with a good story.

This is a classic princess and prince story. No, this is not fantasy and no I'm not going to write about royal people.

What I'm saying is that I'm going to write a love story. But I don't really like to call it a love story. But it does involves a girl and guy with chemistry in between.

I don't really like cheesy stuff, mostly like love and romance. Blah.

I know, I know. You are probably asking them why I'm doing this.

But you see, if I wrote another topic, let's just say pizza, will that grab an attention? Sure, but only for a few paragraphs and that's it.

With a relationship story, readers always tend to read those kind of stuff. Sad right? But I want to win and I will just have to do it the hard way and sacrifice some stuff along the way.

I started with a classic,
Once upon a time...


Hey guys!! I'm know this is a short chapter but I'm really tired right now.

So stay tune until next Saturday!

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