Chapter 19

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Don't forget to vote cuz I kinda desperate rn. Lol 😂

And cuz it would be nice if more ppl read my book.

Sounds mean but I'm bein' honest Abe right now.

Ok sorry, read on!


First class on the day and it just got boring... as always

Math with Ms. Toni.

Which also means 50 min and 7 seconds of class with obnoxious kids.

For example: Griff, Dav, Cherl, and Lani.

(Author's side note: In case if you forgot who these ppl are : Griffin, Daven, Cherlyn, and Kalani).

Don't you ever wonder why those dumb kids are in your class every year? Like what even?

They are all ok but except for Lani. And maybe Daven.

Cause, you know the history between us.

Anyway, so I was just minding my own business, taking notes.

That's when a crumpled paper landed near my feet.

Of course, I looked around to see if it was there's but nobody was looking to my area.

So I picked it up and unraveled it underneath my desk.

There on the paper was written:

"Hey Shan" with a smudge lipstick at the end.

My face immediately reddened because that could only mean one thing.

The writer was Lani. Duh.

She still calls me Shan, making it sound like a pet name.

What was always sickening was the lipstick in the corner.

Pure disgust. Gross. I shivered right there in my seat.

And I heard few snickers at the back in the classroom.

I didn't even have to turn around to know the four was peering at me.

I hanged my head low, my hair covering my face.

Well this is embarrassing.

But this wouldn't be the first time either.

I was inching to get out of class.

Each seconds and minutes passed by so slow.

And every few seconds I would look up to the clock.

Hurry up already!

To pass the dreadful time, I tapped my foot against the floor.

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