Chapter 16

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Hhheeeeyyy!!! I'm bbbbbaaaacccckkkk!!! Like anyone cared, anyways hoped you guys missed me cause I didn't miss you too! Lol, that sounds mean... oh well, hope you guys enjoyed your guys winter break cuz I did!

I shook off the spooky feeling and went to sleep.


The next day was sadly a school day.

I woke up with my hair everywhere and my eyes swollen up from all the crying...

Wait, I cried? Last time I checked, it was at the hospital. I guessed I cried during my sleep.

Sighing, I pushed out the thoughts of Jax. It was too much to take. I need to focus on school.

I quickly retrieved my phone and gave a text saying I need a ride to Nik. He immediately responded with a thumbs up.

There was no way I was going to walk out in that coldness right about now.


"What up?" Nik said as I slammed on the passenger door.

I turned to face him.

"Woah! Your eyes-" he started

"I know, don't remind me" I cutted him.

"—are really red" he finishes

I internally gave a loud ugh. Now that he noticed, everyone in school will notice! This is going to be bad. 

"What happened?"

I shrugged and looked forward.

With that Nik, thankfully, did not pressed on.

The rest of the ride there was filled in silence.


Math class was terrible.

Daven just came up to me and was like "woah" exactly like Nik. Unfortunately, he started cracking up.

I literally elbowed him in the stomach from where he was standing next to me.

"Ow," He said while rubbing his stomach, dramatically.

"What do you want Dav?" I asked sternly

"Feisty! I was just coming over to say something but looks like you are not having it," he turned away to go back to his other jerk friend, Griffin.

I stopped him in his tracks, "I been through worst. Just tell me,"

He slowly turned around with an easy smile.

"Looks like it too" he smirked

I glared at him until he gave me an answer.

"Ok ok. I just wanted to say sorry about your friend Camille," he smiled like he wasn't even sorry

Figures. Guys never apologize if they actually meant it or they were forced into it.

"Uh huh. Why don't you tell it to Cami yourself. I'm not the one who you insulted at."

"Well I don't have any classes with her except for drama club and I thought you might pass on the message,"

"First of all, you don't even look sincere at all. Second, I'm not gonna pass on the message, you are"

"Someone's is in a bad mood" a boy stepped in beside Daven.


He smiled hat easy smile that Dav gave to me earlier.

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