Chapter 18

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Sorry for not updating yesterday cause a specific someone -cough, cough *my mom, took my phone away

Ooooo, although I'm not a popular author to go read to but I promote this song. It's good! 😛

Read back my chapters if you need to refresh!
             Shannon's POV

I woke up with annoyance.

Because one, it's school. And second, it's club day.

I text Niko to pick me up and got ready to go.

Within the next twenty minutes, Nik showed up at my driveway.

I ran to the car and slid in.

"Hey" I said

"Hey yourself"

"So um how's your little friend. Was it Uhh.. Linda?" I offered, looking for some small talk.

"It's Lydia or Dia. And we are doing fine. We're  getting friendly." Nik said with a smile

"Ooo. So are you going to leave me and Cami?" I pouted

"I wish I could." He said with a heavy sigh

"What?! Were you actually considering to leave us for a new girl that you don't know?"

He chuckled.

"First of all, I know her better than you do. And second, I will never leave you guys. You are like my BFFS." He said the last sentence with a girly voice

I laughed and he soon joined in with me.

And all too soon, we arrived at school.

We got out the car and started waking different directions.

"Wait Shannon!" Nik called out

I turned around.

"Today is—"

"Club day" I finished for him

He nodded and turned away.

As I got to my locker, Camille was already there waiting for me with a phone in her hand.

"Hey" I greeted her

She turned off her phone and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Took you long enough to get here" she said

"Yeah, I know. Club day today."

I looked at Cami's face to see her reaction.

Her once warm smile vanished in seconds with a slight frown.

"I think I have a class at lunch today..." she started

I put my hands on my hip.

"And I don't think so. You are coming with me. Look, I know you have a problem with Daven right now, but we will get in fix."

She squirmed in place.

"It's not that—"

"It is that. He came to me two days ago to say sorry to you but I told him to say it to you himself."

"You— you did?"

"Totally. He can't treat you like that you know. An apology is the least thing he can do." I told her

She twisted her fingers.

"I don't think—"

"I will be there at your side the whole time. Promise." I assured her

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