Chapter 3

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Whatever music I post on top, will not go with the theme of the chapter. They are just random songs I like.

  All of the sudden, Camille stopped in her tracks. That's when Daven walked by us. Camille instantly looked at the ground. I saw a blush creeping onto her cheeks. I was pretty confused because Camille never blushed unless she got complimented by someone. And I had no clue why she would blush because of Daven walking by, maybe she remembered something.

"Oh well" I thought and shrugged. "Come on Camille! I'm SOOO hungry!"

Camille looked back up to me and had this look like she forgot I was there with her. She smiled at me realizing we are still in the hallway.
"Yeah I heard you Shannon. Come on." She said

We went to our usual lunch table and usually it was the two of us at our lunch table. But of course, Niko joins us but lately he been busy with his drama club.

I started stuffing food into my mouth. While Camille elegantly ate her food.

"What up dawns?!" Niko said setting down his tray in it table.

I gave him a peace sign and continued stuffing my face. Camille put up her hand,"Sup"

" So how is the club right now?" She asked.

" Surprisingly, another person joined." He replied, digging into his nachos.

" That's great! Who is it?"

" Daven"

Camille snorted out her food and coughed like crazy.
" Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, Camille. Hey Shannon could you get napkins for her?"

" But I'm eating!" I whined
"Do you want our friend to choke on her food?"

I groaned and got up. As I was getting the napkins, Kalani and her drag-along friend, Cherlyn, came by.
" Eww. Who let the dogs out?" Kalani snickered.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. They are the popular, mean, and the top cheerleaders at our school. Pretty pathetic how they go around and insult people.

" Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" Kalani shrieked.

"Yeah and what are you going to do about that?" I retorted back.

Kalani inhaled a gasp and narrowed her eyes at me.
"Watch out who you talk too Shannon" she said, intimidating me," Let's go Cherlyn, we can't waste our time talking to someone who aren't us anymore."

I frozed. Kalani looked back to me and smirked in satisfaction. Then she cat-walked away. Cherlyn walked with her and turned back to give me a dirty look.

" Dang, we are not on a frickin' runway" I thought.

I shrugged off my frozen state and went back to the table with napkins in hand.

Camille took the napkins and nodded her head in thanks and continued coughing.

"Whats wrong Shannon? I saw you talking to Kalani and Cherlyn." Asked Niko

" Its nothing." I responded, thinking back to her threat.

"Are you sure?"
I nodded.

Camille coughs reduced back to clearing the throat.

I looked towards the popular group table and saw Kalani giving me a disapproving look.

I sighed and thought about the long day ahead.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this updated chapter! I update every week.
Please comment if you think I write short cuz I literally can't tell.

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