Chapter 5

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I smiled big.

" K.We are here. Let me get my key first,"Camille said rummaging through her backpack," Got it."

She let the door open and instantly threw her backpack to the ground. "Ugh! Finally, my backpack is sooo heavy! It felt like my shoulders were going to pop off my socket."

"I know right. Is your parents home?" I asked setting down my backpack to the ground.

"They will be in another hour or so."

"Is your brother home too?"

"He actually returned home from college but he is out with his friends right now. He usually comes back around 10pm."

I nodded and went to the pantry where they keep my favorite snacks. Usually my parents don't buy me 'fatty and unhealthy' snacks, so most of the time I beg for them at school.

(Who can relate?)

I know, I know I'm a food  beggar and I know it's very annoying sometimes. But hey, a girl got to eat.

I munched in my fav snack, hot Cheetos! "So, are we going to do homework? I have to catch up with my stuff."

"Uhh, I was thinking we should talk about something first." She said as she was eating her mint Chocolate chip ice cream.

"Ok let's go then."

We went upstairs to Camille's  room.

We went upstairs to Camille's  room

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I plopped down on the sofa.
"Ok what's up?" I asked smearing my Cheetos fingers against my jeans.

Camille sighed out loud and went to her chair.

" I..." she started," Umm.." She cleared her throat and went back to licking the ice cream.

"Yes? You can tell me anything and I won't judge you. I will probably give you advice though." I encouraged her, licking my fingers now.



"Do you pinky promise with cherry on top?"

"Yes— you know what, just go already! For goodness sake. Yes!" I rolled my eyes


"Do you want to say it or not?"


I waited for her to speak again. She took a deep breath.

"I like Daven."

My eyes widened at the sound of his name. I started coughing and spitting Cheetos chunks out of my mouth.

"Eww! Look at what you just did! Gross!"

I recovered from my heart attack and shouted," Are you saying that is gross? Daven is gross and eww!"

Camille crossed her arms.

"You said not to judge!"

"In this case, I can! You don't even know anything about him! He is not like what you think he is!"

"Please let me talk."

"Ok. Fine."

"I know Daven from English class. He always asks me for help and he is a very sweet guy. He even smile and waves at me during class. And he is so cute! He got green eyes... so dreamy..." she said looking out the window and sighing out loud.

I was internally gagging inside.

"Look, Camille. I know you have a crush on him right now, but I don't think he is the right one to go after." I cautiously responded.

"It's not like you know any better than I do."

"I actually do. It seems like that jerk always have the same classes with me every year except for this one year. Thank the lord for that!"

" But you don't know him, know him."

" Yes I do. Many times, he bribes girls to do his work and in return, he would just smile and wave to them. Sort of flirting and that would get a girl do his work. He mostly does it to those smart girls. And you are smart, so don't fall into his trap."

"I'm not falling for anything. I just think he is a nice person and all."

"Uh huh. Do me a favor and don't talk to him for a while. That way, it is telling him that you are done with him and he will move to a different person."

"I can't promise anything right now."

"Fine and don't come crying to me when you find out the real him."

" There won't be anything"

"Is that why you almost died when Niko mentioned him?"

"Yeah I can't believe Daven is joining! Now I think I will enjoy drama more." She giggled

" Ok." I took a breath," let's do homework."

"Hmph. Yeah before we argue again."

We went back downstairs to get our bags and started doing our work.

"Done. I'm gonna go now before my parents call me." I said getting up to go.

" K. See you tomorrow."

"See ya."

I walked out the house and walked down the block. Luckily, our house is near Camille's house and the school.

Few minutes later, I arrived home. Hey, what do you know I'm the first one home.
Sometimes I wish I had a sibling to talk to when I'm super lonely.

I decided to take a shower before going to bed.

As I was dressing up for the night, I heard my parents come through the door.

"Honey we're home!"


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