Chapter 8

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Updates every Saturday

And with that, the day ended early.

(Skipping forward to the weekends)

Ahhh the next day was... Saturday!!!

Best day of the week!!

I woke up feelin' happy as ever.

Today I decided to check out at Barnes and Noble. I know, I know. What a retarded way to spend someone's weekend BUT I love books!

And I have to get there early because I usually lose myself in the books. (If you know what I mean).

I ran downstairs, quickly doing my daily morning routine and head on out.

On the usual weekends, my mom sleeps in and my dad is somewhere doing his hobby, swimming.

I don't even bother to wake my mom up because personally I understand. Nobody likes to be waked  up on the weekends.

Plus my parents trust me enough to go out on my own. But of course I have to text/call them of where I am.

I took my bicycle 🚲 and ride out.

The breeze whipped my face and through my hair.

I always loved the feel of the wind plastering on my face along with the sunlight.

I smiled...

Within 10 minutes, I arrived at Brooke Towne Center.

And here we are; Barnes and Noble.

I locked my bike to the rack and walked in.

Ahh the books of my life. I took a turn towards the teen fiction section and began reading the summaries.

To be honest, I actually judge the book by its cover. I look if the cover is good or not and I look at the title of it sounds appealing to me.

I know, people always say don't judge a book by its cover, but I can't help it. So now, I actually judge it by its summary. Weird transition..

I sat down on the ground with my back to the bookshelf. I was about to grab a fourth book, when I heard a voice said,"Hey, I think I know you."

I almost had a whiplash turning my head towards the voice.

I saw a boy my age hovering above me. Its looks pretty creepy from down here.

Then a click rang in my head.

I gave my best polite smile,  "I think I recognize you too."

He gave a smile in return.

"Yeah, I think it was from Drama club right?" He asked

"Oh yeah! I'm sorry but I forgot your name."

"Me too. My name is Mason."

"Ohhh! The mason jars kid!"

"I think I prefer to be called Mason..."

"Ok, I'm Shannon"

Awkward silence came through.

I did a mini cough and looked at my surroundings.

"So um, what are you doing here?" Mason said

"Oh um, I was reading for fun"

Seconds slipped by when I realized that was a stupid answer.

To cover it I asked,"What  are you doing here?"


Who else dumbo?

"Me? Um I came here to buy a book for English class."

"Ohh thats cool... what is it?"

"We are doing Hamlet"

"So are we!"

I just shook my head in some sort of agreement.

"So do you actually like mason jars?" I asked, thinking back.

"Actually I just think they're cool but other than that, nah. I just said that because it matched with my name."

"Oh, do you like drama too?"

"Hard to say actually. I do but I don't. Get it?"

"Totally. I have moments like that all the time. My friend Niko asked me and Camille... actually, more like force us to get into the club."

"Niko, the club manager? Or like the leader?"

"Yup that's him" I sighed.

Mason sat down next to me, probably because he was tired of craning his neck down.

"So you do any sport?" He asked

"Not right now but I'm going to next season or next semester. I'm going to do track n field."

"Neat. I do soccer."

We just nodded our head like those bobble heads.

"Ok I guess I will be going now." He said, standing up


Finally, he left. Now I read in peace.

My phone rang out.

I looked over and saw that I received a message. And guess who it was.

The mystery writer.

How you doin? That person typed in.


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