Chapter 6

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¡What up dawns!
I ❤️ this song!!

"Honey, we're home!"

"Coming" I shouted and ran downstairs

"What's up? What's cool?" My dad said

Ok, I know it's very weird how my dad just greeted me but what I can do? He is trying to be cool dad and he is hoping I would hang out with him more and say "my dad is cool" in front of my friends.

I rolled my eyes and sighed out loud.

"So, how is your day today?" My mom asked.


I always respond with the same answer each time one of my parents ask me that, cause they don't really need to know what is going in school and there isn't really much to say anything about school.

Although, there is exceptions when something interesting is happening in school. 

"I went to Camille's house today." I offered, starting a conversation.

"Oh that's good. How is their family doing?" My mom asked as she was putting away her work stuff and her purse away.

"They are great I guess. When I went there, nobody was there. Camille said her brother arrived home from college but he wasn't there at that time."

"I'm going to prepare dinner" My dad said

"Good cause I need a long shower from work. Today was busier than expected." My mom huffed.

"Ok, Shannon go do your homework while waiting."

"I already did it"

"Then you can help me cook."

"On a second thought, I think I forgot to do my science homework."

My dad knew I was lying but he let me off the hook.

I hurriedly walked up the stairs to my room before my dad said anything else.

This is my room:

It kinda looked childish, considering that I'm a sophomore at high school but we were too lazy too change the style since fourth grade

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It kinda looked childish, considering that I'm a sophomore at high school but we were too lazy too change the style since fourth grade.

I sat on my bean bag and pulled out my phone. Then I realized something random...

These two songs kinda sound the same. All Time Low and Down. Ok, that was a random thought.

Anyway, I had another hour or so until my dad is finished. In the meantime, I think I would start thinking about my journalism project.

Hmm what to do? What to do?

I took out a piece and paper and jointed down some ideas that might be appealing to me and the audience.

This is frustrating than I thought it would be, so I am giving up halfway.

I decided to go on my social media; Instagram and Snapchat. Nothing interesting to do. As I was strolling through posts, my phone buzzed.

It's a text message. I clicked over to the message area. And it's a number that I don't recognize.

The text message read: hey

Like all curious human beings, I texted back saying:

Hi? Who are you?

You don't know who I am? The person added mysteriously.

I'm pretty sure I don't recognize this phone number. And you probably got the wrong number.

No, I'm pretty sure I did, Shannon.

I blankly stared at the screen. How could this person know my name and I don't? I became feeling anxious. At this point, I'm not so sure to text back or block the number or ignore it.

I rechecked my contacts seeing if any person matched that number but none was matched.

Now I was getting nervous. All the possibilities... I'm pretty sure I didn't give a random person my number.

Gathering my confidence, I texted back.

Who are you? And how did you get my number?

Few minutes passed before replying back.

First off I'm not going to simply tell you who I am but I give you a clue.

What is it?

Well we go to the same school.

Brooke High?


I left the conversation hanging there. I'm positive that person would reply soon tomorrow or something. I do not like how people know me but I don't.

"Dinner ready!"

Gladly, I went down to set up the dinner table.

Sooo hungry right now. I'm starvin'. You probably noticed I'm hungry a lot.

"Call your mom to come down"
I went back up and stood outside the bathroom door, yelling," Mom! Dinner is ready! Hurry up!"

"Yeah, almost."

Few minutes later, my mom came out dressed.

"So, anything interesting at school?" Dad offered.

Chewing my lamb chop, I answered," Actually there's this writing contest of whoever can write good to attract readers. If you are the winner you get to be in the Gouto Magazine and the newspaper.

My mom was like," I know that Magazine! I read it everyday! You are so lucky to be in the competition. Hopefully you win and write your best, I know you can do it."

As cool as my dad tries to be, he look at us confused.
"What is Gouto Magazine?"

"Its a poplar Magazine. Everybody is reading it and it's trendy nowadays." I informed him.

He nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I agree with your mom. Write your best and you can make it happen. If you want, I can give you some ideas." Dad prompted.

"I will think about that"

Twenty minutes later dinner ended and so is a long day.

I plop on my bed, sinking it.

Ahhh sweet bed. So cozy and comfortable...

Ok, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And sorry for posting a little late than usual.

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