Chapter 14

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Just then, my phone dinged with a message from Jax.

Hey how u doin at school? He typed

Good, how bout u and school?

Erm... it's um good I guess..

You know you can just tell your bestie anything.. 😉

Nah, it's fine Shannon


Anyway, what are you doin yet rn? I typed in

Uhhh.. sitting on my bed. U?

Imma gonna do hw now, got to catch up... don't u need to do hw too?

Umm yeah, hw.. got to do that too...

🧐🤨 ok.... well if you need anything or tell me something just txt me.


Ok bye now

Txt ya tmr

That was a weird conversation and something smells fishy.

I was pretty sure Jax was hiding something from me.

Someday he will tell me when he is ready.

But for now, Imma gonna finish up my writing project.

It's due tomorrow, so soon!!


I thought back to Jamie and what she said.

I was pretty sure she was going to win but I'm definitely going to beat everyone.

Me and my over confidence.


Two hours later and my writing finished!

So proud of my work!!

Even my parents loves the plot twist of the chemistry between two people. Ooohhh.


*Next day at school*

"Shannon! Wait up!" Nik yelled from a distance.

I turned around.

"What 'tis it?" I asked

Nik panted out loud.

"You will never believe what just happened!"

"Hey! That reminds me of something too! The other day—" I started

"Not now Shannon, my situation is better."

"Hey! That's not fair. Fine go ahead."

"I was just strolling to my locker when I heard a voice speaking to me. And I was like, wait I recognized this voice. I turned around and there she is! Lydia! She looked stunning.

Then I said to her, Lydia hey what a surprise. What are you doing here? She said something about being sorry and thanks for that gift and ran off." Nik looked a bit dazed

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