Chapter 4

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Reminder: whatever music I post on top, will not go with the theme of the story/chapter. And sometime it will go with the theme
* it's just songs I like*

I sighed and thought about the long day ahead.

"So are you guys excited to go to my club tomorrow?" Niko enthusiastically asked.

" Do we have to go? I mean nothing really important is coming up right?" Camille said in a raspy voice.

"I think you guys should go. I need to know if everybody is committed to it."

I can tell she was internally groaning inside and trying to make up an excuse.


"How about I buy you that makeup kit you really wanted?"

She placed her hand underneath her chin.

"Hmmmm. Uhhh. I guess so..." Camille defeatedly replied.

"Awesome and no backing out. How about you Shannon?"

"Nah I kinda want to try out the drama side of me, so I'm good." I said

He grinned in triumph.

And with that the bell rang.

" Ugh, I have journalism next." I told them as I was getting up to go.

"Physics for me" Niko answered back

"Art for me" Camille chirped in,"Shannon remember we have to meet up after school at my house. Today we have to walk there. K?"


The three of us did a mini group hug and went our way.

I went over to my assigned seat as the bell rang.

"Ok class. Today is a lucky day for you guys!" Mr. Stevens exclaimed," Everybody is entered into a writing competition. You have to write a five page essay. And this is a free writing. So write anything interesting that will capture the reader's attention. This assignment will be due next month. Once your guys essays are due. The chief editor of Gouto Magazine will read everybody's writing and determine one essay that could be good enough to be on Gouto Magazine and the newspaper! Plus the lucky student will get an internship with the chief editor. Remember guys we are not the only school. There is about 300 schools doing this competition. So write your butt off for the grand! And who knows it might be one of you guys out there."

Excited whispers and murmurs filled the classroom.

I was awestruck. I don't really like to write but Man this is a great experience to have an internship with the chief editor of Gouto Magazine! I might even get to write better!

He was like the best editor there is in the journalism world! And it's the Gouto Magazine! It's a trendy magazine right now where they talk about sports to famous celebrities.

I was legit freaking out! Omg, I have to win! But the thing is everybody wants to be the one.

You know what? I'm going to work hard for it!

" Ok class," Mr. Stevens chuckled," I know everybody is excited, but remember yesterday's assignment? You guys have to complete it before you can come up an idea for the magazine. So let's go, go finish it up."

The whole class groaned.

Right, we had the homework about the animal kingdom. I'm almost finished with it. THEN I can get started on my masterpiece.

Twenty minutes later, I completed my homework and turned it in.

Now, what should I do? What should I write about? It has to be good. And it has to capture the reader's attention... ugh I don't any YET. Hmmm maybe--

The loud and obnoxious bell ruined my train of thoughts.

"Remember to finish up homework and start doing your new project for the magazine!" The teacher called out.

I grabbed my backpack and head on out. I quickly walked to the soccer field where our usual meet up place is at.

"Guess what?" I excitedly said to Camille as we starting walking towards the direction of her house.

"Chicken butt"

" First of all, that joke is old and second no. We are having this writing competition in journalism. And the chief editor of Gouto Magazine is going to read our essay. Plus he is going to decide which essay is the best, so he can put it on the Magazine and the newspaper! Then you get an internship with him!"

"Wow! That is so cool! I love the Gouto Magazine!"

"I know right?!"

"Today in art, we are making abstract clay sculptures."

"That's interesting."

"Yeah it is. But you are so lucky too! I hope you win!"

I smiled big.


Find out what happen next but you guys probably know what's going to happen.

Hey guys! I hope this chapter is long enough. I know I've been writing pretty short, so ya.

Vote and comment on my book anytime!
I post every week. Mostly on Saturdays, so stay tune!

Keep calm and read on

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