Chapter 15

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Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was busy and totally forgot. Not like you guys care or anything. I'm kinda losing hope for people who is reading my book. Like barely anybody. The only reason I continue writing is because I actually like to write and I want to finish my story.
More like a sleep for the next two hours.


Huh, you know what's surprising?

I slept until the next day. That shows how tired I was. I even skipped dinner. Luckily, it's the weekend! Now, I need food. My brain can't function right now.

I hurriedly ran downstairs. Ahh, the breakfast aroma hit me like a slap in the face for not eating yesterday.

I grabbed the nearest plate of fruits on the table and eagerly munched on it.

My dad cleared his throat.

Wow, I was so distracted with eating that I didn't even see my parents in the kitchen.

I looked up from my food. "Hi" I said to them while eating.

"No talking while eating please," my mom said

I gulped and swallowed a huge fruit down my throat.
"Hi" I said again.

"Morning" my mom said appreciated.

"Hiya kiddo, I bet you were hungry last night cause your mom and I went to your room. And all we heard was stomach growls. We didn't want to wake you up."

"Seriously?!" I half shouted.

I was thinking back to yesterday.

"Mom, dad?" I asked them

"Yeah? What's going on?" Dad prompted.

"I was texting to Jax yesterday and he told me to visit him. I want to know what's going on. He is normally like that." I said with concern.

My mom looked off to the side and my dad cleared his throat loudly.

"Dad? Mom? Answer me! I need to know what's going on with Jax."

Mom let out a deep breathe before telling me.

"Honey, this is going to be hard on you. Jax is in the hospital right now." Mom looked at me with worried eyes.

Jax. Hospital. How? Why?

"What happened?" My voice now quiet

"He—" my dad started

"No I will say it. He is my sister's son." My Mom said looking at my dad.

He nodded in agreement.

My mom let out a shaky breathe,"Jax is in the hospital because he had this concussion from playing football. But that was a long time ago. The thing is that, he kept getting concussions each time he played.

He always recovered but then his concussion last week knocked him cold. He laid unconscious for two days. They said he have a permanent brain damage on the side of the brain and in the front. And he only have two weeks to live.

We just found out yesterday and we are visiting him today. We were hoping for you to come but didn't think you were ready to hear the news. But I guess you beat us to it."

I was speechless.

Jax? How could he... two weeks to live... Jax.

Without knowing it, tears fell on to my cheeks. I stood there and sobbed like a baby.

My dad immediately came over to me and hugged me tight. So did my mom.

Together, we just stood there crying. Well, it was just me and my mom but mostly me.


We are now in the car driving to Saint's Mercy Hospital.

I sat there looking sadly outside.

I can't believe Jax is in this situation. He is like my older brother to me. And I was his little sister to him. We are close as cousins.

I sniffed and silent tears rolled down.

I quickly wiped them. No more tears for Jax. Jax will survive. I know he will get through. He will be there for everyone. I will be there for him. I will be waiting for him at the end of the tunnel.

"Jax will survive" I thought stubbornly.


We had just entered Jax's room.

I looked scarily at the hospital bed where Jax is.

Thankfully, he was awake.

"Shannon" He said grimly.

My mom and dad motioned me to go forward.

I took baby steps until I was at his bedside.

Wires were running in and out of his body.

He took out his hand and I slid my hand into his.

It hurts to see my older "brother" like this.

"Don't cry," he said

I laughed, not realizing I was tearing up.

I wiped them off.

"Those are happy tears" I lied

"Good, I don't need anyone crying over my dead body." He ironically said.

I dryly chuckled.

"So, is that why you've been texting me lately?" I asked

"Yeah. I get super bored here so I decided to text you." Jax replied

"How are you doing?" I asked him

"Doing great actually" Jax smiled

I gave him the I-know-what you-mean look.

"Ok ok. Sometimes I have this huge pain where my brain is. It hurts so bad that I would scream for the next ten minutes. It feels like a hammer knocking at my head." He said looking away from me.

"That sounds painful," I said stupidly.

He didn't say anything.

I looked at the doorway to see my parents but I guess they are talking with Jax's parents outside.

I squeezed his hand tight to get his attention.

"No matter what. You'll survive Jax. I will see to it. Promise me you'll fight? Fight for me, for your parents, family, friends."

He looked at me with sad puppy eyes. He then slowly nodded his head.

"Ok, let's play a game. I knew you would like to do something fun." I said cheerfully.

This time, Jax's face lit up.

For the next two hours, we played and talked about random stuff. Just like any normal day.


I laid in my bed thinking about all the memories I had with Jax.

I shook off the spooky feeling and went to sleep.


Merry Christmas Eve u guys!

I will not be updating for the next two weeks. So please keep on jamming!

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