Chapter 12

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I dozed off for the night.


And I wake up in the morning feelin like TJ and I'm gonna leave for the night-ight. Ain't comin back.

(Comment if you know this song and this part wasn't part of the story)


I rolled off the bed, grunting in my sleepwalk to the bathroom.

*Phone Dings*

I picked up my phone and saw a message from Nik saying we had a club today.

And another one from Jax.

Huh, Jax messaging me in the morning? On a school day? That's weird.

So I texted back sayin hey.

Immediately he replied back.

What's going on? I texted

Erm.. nothing much..

R u sure? U never txt me in a school day especially in the mornings

Yeah yeah it's nothing


Uh is that ok if i um txt u everyday from now on?

Uhh kinda weird isn't it? My cuz texting me...

Dude it's family, just think of me as ur friend

U r my friend 😇😘

Ok u should try go on low profile with the kissy emoji

Don't like it? Well too bad 😘😘😘

Ugh just go to school already



Laughing, I started to get ready for school.

I was out the door and in came Nik with his car.

"Hop in"

I opened the passenger door and settled down.

"So what's up today with you picking me up? Might as well do it everyday. So I don't have to walk or bike."

"Sure I can do that. My drive is on the way to your house and to school."

I sighed,"You better. So what is actually up?"

Usually Nik only picks me up when he has something to say to me personally.

"Well I gave that gift to the girl.."

"That's great! What she say?"

"Well it been two days since I gave her that gift and she didn't say anything to me. I don't know what I did wrong."

"Maybe she is thinking about the gift? Or thinking about you? And what to do with you?"

"You make it sound like she is a teacher of some sort with what she wants to do with me."

I threw my hands in the air.
"Hey it's just suggestions"

"Ugh I just don't know anymore. If she likes me or not." Nik said rubbing his face.

"Had she ever talked to you since then? Or even looked?"

"No she hasn't talk to me yet but I seen her glance at me a lot of times. It's like she wants to say something but can't. It's frustrating."

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