Chapter 11

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Sorry guys for not updating yesterday. I had a trip and I'm back home now! And happy late Thanksgiving!

Btw, for the song up there, did you guys see Pink's performance of this song on AMA? Pretty awesome!

Home sweet home, we are home.


Slamming my locker closed, I turned to faced a hideous creature.

To be honest, she not so bad looking but the insides are ugly, so yeah she is hideous.


I titled my head and saw Cherlyn. Kalani always shows up with Cherlyn but Cherl is always behind her or off to the side. Some friends....

"Hey Shan" Kalani said batting her fake eyelashes and chewing a gum.

"Don't call me that" I replied looking off to the side.

"Call you what? Shan? Aww don't  you remember Shan? When we were little kids we had nicknames for each other. I was Lani— wait I'm still Lani." She  laughed

"We are no longer friends. So stop bothering me. Just— just go, go!"

"Stutter much? Hmph! Come on Cherl, we are leaving, I guess Shan here doesn't want to be friends with me.Fine Shannon, don't you come crying to me when you don't have any friends!"

"I never wanted to be friends with you! And I have way better friends than you!" I shouted at her.

She flipped her hair and strutted down the hallway with Cherl.

That girl will get a piece of my mind someday!

I slumped down, leaning back to the lockers.

Me and Kalani go way back. And when I say way back, I do mean it.

"Hey" a voice called me.

I looked up to see who it was, Mason.


"Are you ok?" Mason asked with concern.

I nodded my head.

I got up on my feet and brushed off the invisible dust on my clothes and said,"I will be on my way now."

"Yeah I should go too, so um what's your first period?"


"Oh mine is drama. That's why I'm taking drama club."

I nodded my head with no interest at all.

I continued walking to my class.

I guess Mason decided to tag along with me because I heard hurriedly scuffles.

"Mind if I tag along?"


"So uh what's your favorite subject?"


Mason chuckled dryly.

"And journalism" I finished.

"Oh that's interesting—"

I was literally internally shaking my head. Mason is trying really heard to be my friend or something.

Oh well, always good to have more friends. The more, the merrier.

"— my favorite subject is soccer. I take that as a sport instead of doing PE. PE sucks."

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