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Harrison Ford was the absolute best. Carrie came downstairs expecting him to be getting papers ready for his first physical therapy appointment she would be taking him to later this afternoon. Instead, he was sitting on the couch watching NFL Live and eating breakfast.

After coming down the stairs, she crossed in front of the tv and reloaded the automatic food dispenser in the fish tank in the wall separating the living room from dining room. Once she turned around, and headed into the kitchen, he reached out his hand to catch hers.

"Morning Carrie," he said in more of a whisper as he kissed the back of her hand. "There's pancakes, bacon, and sausage in the kitchen."

She laced her fingers with his for a few moments. "You're the best."

He smiled one of his lopsided grins that she loved. "Oh I know."

Carrie let go of his hand and headed into the kitchen. On the stove were 5 pancakes, tons of leftover bacon, and some sausage. It didn't take her long to completely load a plate. She knew he woke up even earlier to make extra because she could eat quite a bit now that the baby's due date was coming up in just over two months.

She joined him on the couch. "Thanks for making breakfast."

"No problem."

Harrison was the best. He was so good to her, and he could cook. Very well. Waking up to his cooking was a treat. Once she discovered that cooking skill of his, she told him he could put it to good use. And he certainly did between her and the baby.

He set his plate down on the edge of the couch where Wilson trotted over to clean up the scraps. Then he put his arm around her. "Eat up. There's still plenty leftover."


Later that afternoon, they arrived at his first physical therapy appointment. He quickly met with his therapist Ken and was taken for evaluation.

"Have you felt any pain in your shoulder lately?"


"That's good to hear. Now let's see how your shoulders doing. You can go ahead and take off the sling."

Harrison waited nearly two months for this moment. He reached around his neck and unstrapped the sling before letting it slide down his shoulder. Then he undid the strap around his elbow and set the sling beside him.

"Alright, can you extend your arm straight out."

It took him a few moments to extend his arm outward towards Ken. That was because he wasn't used to using those muscles. It had been nearly two months since he had full movement in his left arm and shoulder.

"Does anything hurt?"

Harrison shook his head. "It just feels odd."

"I bet. Now can you try to the side."

Now getting used to using those muscles again, Harrison easily held his arm out to the side. "Now straight up."

"And back."

After the four starting movements, Ken had him do some advanced motions. He reached his arm back behind his head and touch his other shoulder. He did that easily.

"Still no pain?"


"I want you to go five hours a day for the next week without wearing the sling. Don't overdo it. Instead of wearing the sling, I'm going to give you an immobilizer for your shoulder. Set it on 5. You'll be able to use your arm, but your shoulder movements will be a little bit restricted."

"When can I start to lift again?"

"We'll talk about that when I see you next week."

Harrison nodded. "Sounds good."


What do you guys think!? And if you haven't watched it and don't plan on watching it don't read past this point. Somebody told me that Han died in TFA a day before I was going to see the movie. I know how it feels and I don't want to be the one to do it to you.


I was shook on like three different levels. First, Ben better not kill Leia. Or else... I honestly don't think they will kill off Leia because they already killed off a major character in Han, and I don't think that's the way to end Carrie's run in Star Wars. But what do I know? They killed Han.

Second, are Rey and Ben siblings? Not twins, but brother and sister. I think so, and I've been believing that since TFA came out. Because when Rey and Leia hug in TFA, Leia's has this almost "mother's" ring on. And it has two stones. Ben and Rey?? Not just the ring, but Leia walks up and hugs Rey like she knows her. That also points in the direction that Rey could be Luke's. But in her vision in TFA, Kylo stabs someone with his lightsaber right in front of Rey. Was he saving her? I've always thought she was Han and Leia's.

Third, is Rey going to turn to the dark side? At the very end of the trailer she reaches out to take Kylo's hand. 😳 Oh boy.

I also want to know who the heck Snoke is. Where did he come from and how did he end up in charge of the First Order. And I also want to know what is it that Luke's afraid of when he's training Rey?

At the end of all these cliffhangers they're going to leave us on, I realized this, I WANT A PORG! It's so cute!

The Guy Named Harrison: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now