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Harrison and Carrie were standing beside Luke, awaiting to learn the severity of his concussion. From what it looked like, Riley was doing a great job of distracting Luke from the answers that loomed ahead. Riley absolutely loved Luke. And she was having fun pushing on Luke's rib padding that was park of his tank top.

Carrie took Riley when Ryan came back in. He did not look like he brought good news. "Is it bad?" Luke asked.

Ryan only swallowed and Luke looked towards the floor. "Just tell me," Luke muttered under his breath.

"I did a few tests and looked over the results of your impact test. It seems you have a mild to severe concussion."

Luke leaned back against the wall and ran his hands down his face. He suffered his first concussion three years ago. Then against the Saints two years ago, he suffered his second one. That was a nasty concussion and fans were skeptical of how he was going to recover from that. Last season he barely avoided another one. And now this season, only 5 games in, he suffered his third.

"How long would I be out?" He asked Ryan.

"It's hard to tell right now because it depends on how long it takes your body to recover. I would say four games at the least."

Harrison put a hand on Luke's shoulder. This was the second time he'd seen Luke Kuechly cry in the 10 plus years he'd known him. Harrison didn't blame him at all. Luke loved the game of football more than anyone on the Panthers team. He was passionate about it, and to see this happen yet again was heartbreaking.

His last concussion was scary. Luke realized how bad it was as soon as it happened and didn't hesitate to show his emotions. There was so much concern about his long term health that the Panthers held him out the final six games of an unsalvageable season. Now there was going to be even more concern about Luke's health. One concussion was bad, let alone three.

What made it worse for Luke, was that if he could play again, everyone out there that didn't play football was going to say he should hang up his cleats. Luke had even taken steps to prevent concussions by wearing the Q-collar. But with another concussion while wearing the Q-collar diminished the hope that there would be something to help him.

Ultimately, it was going to be Luke's decision on what he wanted to do going forward. The Panthers were going to take extreme caution with his recovery. With this being his third concussion, and now having him be even more prone to another, Harrison wouldn't be surprised if Luke didn't see action for another seven games.

Coach Rivera came in for an update. And seeing a crying Luke, his optimism took a turn for the worse. He gave Luke his space and patted his shoulder before heading back out for his press conference.

Luke took a deep breath. "What am I going to do now?"

Harrison again patted Luke's shoulder. "We're going to figure that out."

Oh my gosh, today at work we had a tornado warning. And where I live we never get tornadoes and so when the whole city and county and surrounding area is under one then you know it's serious. I work in dining services at a nursing home and so we had to get all the residents out of their rooms and into this hallway where there were no exterior windows.

I normally get out of work at 7 and the tornado warning lasted until 7:30 and we just had to sit in that hallway and one of the nurses and I sang Christmas songs to the residents to keep them calm.

After the half hour we were allowed to leave and I have never seen as much water on the roads as I did today. There was probably about 7 or 8 inches just flowing off the roads. So I took it really slow and limped my way through it. One of my coworkers almost spun herself off the road and if she didn't slam on the brakes, I don't think I would've seen the water until it was too late. And as I was driving I called my friend and told her not to go that way.

The scariest part of the whole thing was probably driving through all that water because it was flowing like a river. Anyway, I'm fine we didn't have any tornados, and me and my car made it home alright.

The Guy Named Harrison: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now