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Carrie was a little concerned when she came home and didn't see Harrison in the kitchen or living room. He left practice before her, as she had to stay a little late to finish up her latest article in her office.

It was odd that he was home before her. Usually Carrie always left earlier, or they rode together. Her mom was close on an offer on a house no more than five minutes away. Since she was out with the realtors, that meant wherever Harrison was, he had Riley.

She checked downstairs before eventually heading upstairs to check their room and Riley's room. His truck was in the garage, so he had to be somewhere around here, unless he took Riley somewhere with one of the guys. That wasn't likely. He would tell her.

Carrie stepped into their bedroom first. He hadn't been in there yet. She always made their bed every time she got up. The bed was still made and Harrison wasn't laying on top of the comforter.

The next stop was Riley's room. Once she opened the door, her heart immediately melted. Harrison was laying in Riley's crib with her.

Carrie was now looking over the side of the crib. The scene in front of her was so adorable. He was on his back, and his head rested on one of Riley's blankets clumped together and smashed in the corner of the crib. There was no possible way he could fit his legs inside the crib, so they hung outside of it. Riley was laying on his chest with one of her small blankets covering her from the shoulders down. Harrison's hands were on both sides of her hips, making sure she wouldn't roll off him.

She had to take a picture of that. It was absolutely adorable. After watching them laying together for a few minutes, Carrie lost it. Harrison was so good with kids, and he was great with his daughter. After all of his doubts, Carrie knew this was going to prove to him that he was a great father, despite being away more than most.

The sound of her happy tears woke him up. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, noticing that he was still in Riley's crib. Before noticing her, he placed both hands gently on Riley's back and rubbed it for her.

"Carrie? What's wrong?"

She smiled, reassuring him that she was okay. "This," Carrie gestured to him laying in the crib with Riley on his chest. "Is adorable."


Harrison and Carrie fed Riley together before putting her to bed at her normal 8-8:15. Carrie crawled in bed beside Wilson and Gary, while leaving Harrison enough room on the edge.

He came out of the bathroom and slipped under the covers beside her. Harrison laid like he usually did behind her, with one arm wrapped around her waist and the other under the pillow with hers. Their fingers laced together as he leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

"Your turn."

The Guy Named Harrison: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now