The Shadow Girl

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Chapter 1...... I Am A Shadow

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I was still so tired so I lifted up my sleepy arm. I hit snooze and went back to sleep which I shouldn't have, but I just had to sleep was calling my name and there was no way I was going to deny my one true love. A few minuets later I hear someone come up the stairs. I could tell by the sound of the foot steps that I was going to be in trouble. I heard my door open and heavy foot steps entered my room, I covered my face with my blankets. Please not her. I just want to sleep

"Katerina get your ass out of bed and get ready for school now!" A voice boomed

I cringed at hearing my name, pulling myself furthing into the blankets. Everyone knows me as Kat, because I hate hearing my full first name. Plus it's much easier to say Kat. That is how she pisses me off and gets me to do what she wants, saying my full first name, and it seems to work most of the time. I rolled my eyes and tossed my blankets off my face as I looked at her. I really didn't want to lok at her but I really had no choice. But of course it had to be the wicked witch of the west that came into my room once she knew I was up she looked away. But then she stopped and stood in my door way until I was up and out of bed. I shook my head and got out of bed, I placed my slippers on and I looked at her

"I'm up."

Once she was satisfied that I was up and there was no way I was going to go back to bed, she left my room and shut my door. I shook my head again. I walked over to my closet and I opened the doors.. I looked at everything I had I found my eyes wondering all around, and soon I found myself picking out a skirt with tights, with a tank top with Skillet written on it. I grabbed the clothes and headed to the little bathroom that was attached to my room. Once I dropped my clothes on the floor I went to my mirror. I looked in the mirror, I'm about 5'3" and I'm a slim 17 year old and I have a biggish chest other than that I was just an average girl, or so you would think.  I moved my face closer to the mirror and I looked closely at my eyes. They were grey. I had a mixture of green and blue eyes but now they were just grey, uneventful grey

They haven't been green or blue since I've lived in the foster care system, which has been about two years I think. But before that they were just as strong and colourful as I was, well as colourful as I used to be. Life goes on and eye colour isn't a big deal so let's move on. I've moved from town to town and foster family to foster family. It hasn't been easy but that's because I didn't make it easy. I'm a trouble maker and once I was done in high school I could live on my own. I've been suspended and expelled but that is something that is in the past. I have long brown curly hair, but my original colour is blonde but I had to dye it, for my protection and relocation reasons. Oh well it's just a hair colour. I brushed my hair with my brush and water and I let it dry and curl

My bangs just covered my left eye and part of my face. That's because I tend to hide from people, but I get into fights and stand up for myself. I like to hide from people until they make me mad. Again that is something in the past and probably my feature. I checked the time and I knew I had to get going. I brushed my teeth, put a touch makeup on. I put everything away and I grabbed a light sweater that was on the back of my door as well I grabbed my bag as I walked out of the room. I shut and locked my door. Everyone in this house, besides me, likes to snoop around and look through my things so I found the key to my door and locked it every time I went to leave. My secrets are mine and mine only. I walked down the stairs to see her making my breakfast and lunch for me. At least she does something nice for me, but then again she my slip me some poison and I wouldn't even know it. I sat down at the counter waiting for my food

She placed a plate of food in front of me and I moved the plate of food closer to me. I poked at it a few times and the I started to eat the food. I didn't fully trust it but I ate it anyways. As I was eating she looked at me and I took my eyes off my plate to look at her. She was giving me a dirty look and I shrugged it off 

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