Chapter 12: Is he Lying?

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Chapter 12..... Is He Lying?

Once Jake was gone I just sat there in my room. I couldn't believe he actually hit me. That was not the Jake that I know. Or that I thought I knew. The pain engulfed my face. I let my guard down and damn he hit me hard. I was surprised my eyes didn't change after he hit me, but I guess that was a good thing. After sitting on my bed for a few minuets I decided to get up and walk to my window. I was standing at my window, thinking of Luke and that he would come, I need him right now. He was right. I sighed

I walked back over to my bed and sat down, I placed my hands on my face then I flinched. Damn. I touched the spot where Jake hit me. I sighed and moved my hands around the mark. Then I heard my door open. I didn't bother to lock it just in case Jake wanted to come back through my window. I looked over as Chase walked through my door with an ice pack. He came over and gave it to me, I took it and placed it on my face. I looked down, I didn't want him to see me like this

"Kat are you okay?"

"I'm fine Chase."

"Kat he hit."

"I'm fine Chase." I cut him off

I didn't look back up at him but I could tell that he paused then walked back to my door. He could tell that I didn't want to talk about it. He looked at me once more then shut my door and walked away. I got up and opened my window, it was nice out tonight. The cool breeze and the ice pack felt nice on my face. Then I walked back to my bed and I sat down again. I guess it was just a walk to my window then back to my bed kind of night

I sighed, why did I trust him with my heart? Why? The answer is, like it always is, I was stupid enough to trust him with my delicate emotions. Luke was right, he wasn't who he said he was, he was someone different. Someone who I let take my heart because they promised they wouldn't break it. But he did. And for some reason as soon as he had me he threw me away. I was hurt and angry but I would bounce back soon enough. I grabbed my locket and thought of Luke

"Luke I need you." I said out loud

I sighed again and I closed my eyes. Over and over I thought about Luke. I let the cool breeze from the window come over to me and tickle my body from head to toe. I smiled and tried to let the feelings of anger and sadness go but they stayed, as well as the pain

"You thought of me?"

That voice. I opened my eyes and he stepped into my room from my window. I got up instantly and ran over to him. I embraced him in a tight hug and he hugged me back. He took one hand away from my body and up to my head, letting one hand sift through my long hair. I took in his sweet smell and I let the hug last a little longer before I let go of him. I was happy to see him, he was just what I needed to feel better

"Luke." I said

He chuckled a little but as soon as he looked at my cheek his chuckle and his smile slowly went away. I frowned and I averted his eyes from his to look at the ground. He slowly brought his hand up to the handprint outline on my face, he touched my face and I flinched, I moved backwards a bit

"Kat I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He whispered

I wasn't sure if I should trust him or not considering what just happened with Jake and I. But for some reason deep down inside I knew I could trust him so moved back towards him. He gently outlined it making sure he didn't hurt me like he promised. I closed my eyes, his soft touch brought goosebumps to my skin and made my heart pound, which was something I had to keep control of. What is going on here? I knew he was going to ask who did this to me. My answer should be obvious

"Who did this?"

I know I would regret saying who did it, but I'm not going to lie to Luke about it

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