Chapter 10: To Trust Him Or To Run

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Chapter 10.... To Trust Him Or To Run

I got up the next morning, it was Saturday so there was no need to get up early. I woke up to check the time. Once I realized what time it was, I went back to sleep it was too early to get up. I woke back up a while later. I gave up on trying to go back to sleep. So I laid in my bed thinking about Jake and I and Luke and I

I'm not sure who I should be with, for me and Luke it's too risky, we are creations we can't be together for more than one reason. It's hard to explain. Possessiveness is a very powerful thing. If I didn't know any better the night Anna was taken away I would've taken the officers arm off. I was so protective and possessive over Anna. So it runs in creations to be like that. I was deep into my internal conflict that I didn't hear my phone buzzing, the second time it buzzed is when I heard it and I picked it up. Who is calling me?


"Hey Kat it's me, do you want to hang out with me?"

It was Jake. He wants me to hang out with him? I started to think, I wasn't sure what to do. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go out. It could help me clear my min. It took me a few seconds when I decided

"Sure. Where and when?"

"12:00 I'll pick you up."

I looked at the time it was 11 so I have an hour

"Okay see you soon." I said as I hung up the phone

I sighed and I tried to clear my brain of what happened before Luke left last night. I shook the feelings off and I decided to take a shower to help. I got out of bed and grabbed my towels then went to my bathroom. I stood in the bathroom getting undressed while I started to run the water. Before I got in I decided to take off my locket, I placed my thumb on the heart and it lit up then slowly the chain came off. I placed my locket by the sink and I hoped in the shower, the warm water dripped down my body and I sighed. This felt nice and helped me feel better

🎵 It's hard for me to understand myself, so it has to be hard as hell for you. Are we born to be broken, sinners, and saints? Someone tell the heavens I'm ready to escape 🎵I sang

Once I was done I wrapped myself in the towels. I walked back into my room and when I looked at the clock it a said it was 11:30 and I started to rush around a little. I picked out my clothes and laid them out on my bed as I was dripping wet

I picked out a Five Finger Death Punch shirt and a pair of simple jeans. I dried my hair, then I took off my towel to dry my body. I placed my underwear and bra on then slipped on my clothes with ease. I went back to the bathroom and brushed my hair, then brushed my teeth. I also put my locket back on. I placed some makeup on and then I heard my phone buzz. I ran to it and picked it up


"Hey I'm outside the door." Jake said

"Okay I'll be right out."

I hung up, I grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs. I walked to the front door and there was Chase and my foster mom were in the kitchen. Maybe if I leave as fast as I can they wouldn't stop me. I waved at them and as soon as I placed my hand on the door I was stopped

"Where are you going?" She asked

"I'm going out with a friend."

"I don't think so, you have to do chores."

"I'm going anyways you can't stop me." I said

I opened the door before she could even get up I ran out the door and I shut it. I smiled then I went to turn around and I hit something hard. It was a person. Jake. I opened my eyes to see Jake holding me, making sure I don't fall over. I looked up at him and smiled

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