Chpater 7: Halloween Ball

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Chapter 7..... Halloween Ball

Time went by so fast, weeks went by and soon October came. Luke never talked to me since the second day of school, he just never talked to me or looked at me, it's like he never even knew me. I guess that was what's best for the both of us. I wasn't bothered by it, the feelings I had for him disappeared. I didn't invest any feelings for him so I was all set and could move on. I was now becoming so close with Jake, I think I was starting to fall for him. But I don't know

It took a while and a lot of awkwardness but I have now became friends with his friends. I was now one of the most popular girls in the school and my style was now catching on. My life has changed in such a positive way and I could never be happier. But there was something that was still missing

It was just one day before Halloween and I had my outfit picked out. It has been such a long time since I went out or celebrated Halloween. I was going to be a punk bride which was nothing out of the ordinary for me. I had a dress that was black and torn, I had everything to match and it looked perfect. I set the clothes aside for tomorrow then I got ready to head to school for the day

I walked down the stairs and I was the only one awake. I grabbed my prepacked lunch and I grabbed a banana then headed for the door. I smiled as I stepped outside and took a deep breath in then let it out. I shut the door then I started to walk to school, it was a cool morning but it was still nice. The walk was quiet and nice, the leaves were changing colours and they were falling on the ground. Which was amazing, my face felt a little sore, I haven't smiled this much in a long time, in all honesty I haven't been this happy in years

Once I got to school I opened the doors and I walked in. I looked around for Jake in the halls and soon I seen him standing by is locker where he normally is. This time he was crowed by girls and I had no clue why. I started to get jealous but I soon suppressed my feelings of jealousy as I walked up to him, it would be obvious because of my hostility. My eyes have not been red for a while which was good so I seem normal to everyone. There was something going on, but when I stood there for a second and listened I heard words I was never expecting to hear

"No I'm not taking any of you, I'm taking Kat!" He yelled

They looked around, I guess they were looking for me. Once they saw me, all the girls who laid eyes on me moved away. That created a little opening, a pathway. Once it was all clear I seen Jake and he seen me. He smiled and so did I, I stared to walk through the little opening, once I reached him he stuck out his hand and I took it

"Take me to what?" I asked

"The Halloween Ball." He said

"Me?" I asked shocked


"As a?"

"Date." Jake said ending my sentence

I smiled. My heart fluttered in my chest, he asking me out on a date and it's dance. I was so happy, who knew someone like me could ever feel this way and could actually fit in with a group of people. By now I feel like I'm a natural human, I feel like I fit in, I feel that I can have a normal life. I can be what me and Anna have always wanted to be, normal 

"I would love to go with you." I said

"Good, I was hoping for that answer." He said with a smile

He brought me into a hug, my face landed in his chest and I took a deep breath in, he smelt so good. I silently sighed as I fell deeper into him, I feel like I had no car ein the world. We let go and walked around, talking to friends until the warning bell went off. He walked me to class and kissed me on the forehead before he left. I had this feeling that tomorrow we just might become more than friends, which I was happy and exited for

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