Chapter 17: Surprise!

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Chapter 17...... Surprise!

Luke and I laid there on the ground. Side by side. Luke held me tight and whispered it would be alright or something like that. I couldn't hear much after that because my ears were still ringing. I guess I wasn't shot and Luke wasn't either. I could understand some words that he said but other than that his words became unknown. Any noise I heard besides Luke's words was unknown to me

My chest was tight and I found it hard to breath. I gained enough courage so I slowly moved my hands away from my face. I was shaking. I looked at my hands then I turned them over to see the other side. They were both covered in blood. I let out a little breath of panic, I looked at my body and it was the same, I was covered in blood. It was everywhere on me, even my hair. I was covered head to toe

The metallic smell made me sick to my stomach. I gagged when I seen a stream of blood go down my arm. Whatever was left in my system was ready to come back out and it was hard to keep my food down. If I wasn't shot, I looked at Luke and he was fine. If Luke wasn't shot that means. Wait, Jake! That's when I looked up to see Jake toppled on his side and blood poring out of him. He wasn't moving and that's when I knew he was dead

His eyes never moved they just stayed focused on me. He must have had his eyes open when he was shot. I locked eyes with him, it made me feel uneasy knowing that I'm locked eyes with a dead person. Reality was now sinking in. No not again, why now? After Anna why would someone do this for the second time. I shifted my eyes up to see the guy he was smiling, he pointed the gun up at me, at my head. I shook my head no

"Please don't, what do you want?" I asked

My voice was shaky because I was scared, I wasn't sure how Luke was feeling but not matter what emotions he was feeling he held me tighter than before. I was scared for Luke too. I wanted to protect him and I didn't want him to die. I was the one they wanted so why not take me

The man with the gun seemed to want both of us but I want him to take me and not Luke. The guy came closer and I started to panic because he still had the gun pointed at me, Luke pulled me closer to him and pulled me away from the door. But then the man lowered the gun to his side. Luke's grip loosened but he still held me as the man reached the door

"We want you Katerina." He said

"Why me?"

"Because you are a creation, a very strong one."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said

"You do but he might not."

He looked over at Luke. Luke looked at him, he snuggled me, as the man looked at both of us. He was like a little kid, though if he was in front of me I would be snuggling into him. I wish that's what I was doing right now. I wanted to hid from all of these things that are going on. My sister and my former lover have been killed right in front of my eyes. I didn't want to face all of this, not now

"Please don't take her, she has done nothing wrong." Luke said

"Still she is a creation. She is a threat to society."

"I'm a deactivated creation. I can do no harm." I said

Every step he took we backed up, Luke was the one who was dragging me back. He was strong enough to pull his weight and mine. Then the man was inside the house with us, he shut the door then locked it. He brought his gun up to us, all I could hope was that he didn't shot the gun. I must compile with his demands so the both of us could live

"Stand up." He said

Without a moment of hesitation we stood up

"Sit down." He demanded

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