*Bonus Chapter* Epilogue

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*Bonus Chapter* Epilogue

{Three Months Later}

It was a cool fall morning and the leaves were blowing all around. The trees were almost bare, preparing for the winter to come. We had moved a few hours away where winter came every year.  I took a deep breath of the morning air as I sat outside drinking tea, Luke came out a while after, he knew I needed some peace so he didn't say a word. He sat down in the chair across from me on the porch and looked off into the distance, I sighed watching the orange leaves fall from the trees to they ground. They twist and turned every direction

"You know it's going to take a while to get there, when do you plan on leaving?" He asked

He didn't look at me but I looked at him. He soon turned his head to face me, the fall breeze swept by my face and my hair went with it and it landed on my face. I moved it away but it broke all the seriousness that was built from his question

"I thought we are going?" I asked

"I'll go if you want me to."

"That is totally up to you." I said

"I'll come but I know you want to be alone for a bit."

I nodded he was right, when we got there I wanted to be alone for a bit. I sighed and took a sip of my tea, the leaves started blowing again. After a while of watching the leaves fall and embracing the lovely sound of nothing I finished my tea and headed inside, leaving Luke to sit and look at the wonderful site that was offered to us. One I've been craving to see since I was young. I walked into the warm house and I shut the door behind me, leaving Luke by himself. I took off my shoes and headed to the stair case, then I walked up the stairs and down a little hallway to our room

The house creaked a little when the wind blew but besides that is was peaceful and calm, like the sky knew that I needed it to be calm so I could be calm as well. When I opened the door to our room I looked at the bed, it was still a mess form the night before. I shook my head, Luke was supposed to make the bed, but oh well no big deal I will make it. I placed the pillows at the top of the bed, I took the covers and I fixed up the bed. Once I was happy with how the bed was made I headed to the walk in closet

I stepped into the walk in closet. I had never had a walk in closet in my life so being in this home, with a lot of things I've never had before, was amazing to me. At times I think that this we all a dream, that everything that happened was just a simple nightmare and this was the happy dream that followed. But sadly it wasn't, and even if this was a dream someone is missing. I sighed, okay I have to get ready but what to wear. I started to walk so I draped my hand across my clothing until I had stopped upon some black dresses. My dresses were separated by colour because well my black dresses were meant for occasions like the one today

I looked at them, all of them. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to wear and there is no way I'm trying on every dress. But after a while or looking at all the black dresses I have, I picked the one that I wore just over three months ago, and it fit the occasion perfectly, like it did the first time and the only time I've worn it. I grabbed the dress off of the hanger, I looked at it once more to be sure that this was the one I wanted. But before I walked back out into the room I decided to pick out Luke's suit. I knew he wouldn't mind plus half the time he'll ask me to help with his outfits. So I grabbed the hanger his suit was on then left the closet

I laid the dress and the suit down on the neatly made bed. The dress and the suit laying side by side made me, in a sense, feel better. At least I'm not facing this alone, that is one positive to this whole situation. Enough looking at stuff it's time to get ready. I took off my clothes and placed them in the laundry basket. I slipped on my dress it still fit, I twirled in the dress and Luke walked in

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