Chapter 21: Saving One But Giving Up The Other

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Chapter 21...... Saving One But Giving Up The Other

*Luke's Point Of View*

I took us a few minuets to gather our thoughts, then we left. We took Kat's body out of the building. I held her so tight in my arms, her body moved with mine but she was still lifeless. She was dead and there was nothing I could do to save her, she was gone for good. I was happy that It was still in the middle of the night so no one would see us. I hope. It looks bad that I am carrying a lifeless body, but the path we took wasn't used that often so we were safe. Not many people would see us and nobody walks around here at night. It was a dark and very creepy path to be walking 

I carried her home with Anna walking beside me. It was silent between us, we didn't want to talk about what happened because it was just too painful for us to talk. Kat was gone, her life was taken the same way Anna's was the second time

But this time it was too much for Kat to handle. Once we were close to her home I remembered when the first time I took Kat to the meeting spot. It made me sad. Once we got to her house I opened the door. It was shut but not locked which was good. We walked into the house and walked to her room. I laid her down on the bed, I fixed her up, meaning that I fixed up her clothes and everything to make her look at peace and neat. I looked at her and tears fell down my face

"What are we going to tell her foster mom?" I asked

"I'm not sure." Anna said

"Can that man do anything?" I asked

"No. There is nothing we can do, she is too damaged. He wouldn't help bring her back anyways."

I sighed and brushed Kat's hair out of her face. I looked at her and I seen her skin, it was like human skin but it was also purple from some bruising that probably happened when she was taken. Other than that her skin was pretty much pale

Why is it that we aren't human yet we can die and not come back, like humans do. We should have more than one life. Our creators did not think about that, they weren't around long enough to prefect the serum or upgrade us. Why did they have to kill them before the serum was perfected, if it was, humans would be a lot safer. Or instead of killing him make him stop. Sadly that wasn't my call. We sat there thinking about what to do, Anna looked puzzled and also conflicted. I was also feeling the same way

"You know if it wasn't for that serum I still would have been dead and if it wasn't for you and Kat I would have been that mans slave. I really should not be here. I wouldn't be if it wasn't for you two. But Kat would be."

"What are you saying?" I asked

I think I caught on to what she was trying to get at. I think she may have come up with an idea to bring Kat back. She stood up and walked over to Kat's body, she stood there looking at Kat's body. She stood there for a while thinking about something but I wasn't sure what she was thinking. She placed her finger on her mouth then she put it back went by her side. She looked over at me

"Maybe I should be the sacrifice." Anna said

"What?" I asked

I could not believe what I just heard from her, she wants to give up her life to save her sister that saved her a few times. Anna looked at me very seriously and the looked at Kat, she took a deep breath in

"You know I no longer exist in the human world, so if I stay they will know something is up. I mean it, what if there was some way I could give her my red? I mean it's not like she is human, she still has the serum in her, maybe she could absorb my colour." She said

"It was never tested the serum has not been perfected, it is still flawed so I have no clue if that would work, it has never been done." I said

"But I can still try. She has so much to live for, she has you and family, and everything else."

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