Chapter 8: Confused Feelings

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Chapter 8....... Confused Feelings

Jake's lips met mine. Our bodies were together, I could feel the heat being produced by our bodies, this felt right with a hint of wrong. I felt eyes on me and I knew it was all the other people at the ball they were looking at us. I felt these feelings, I never felt them before, I felt like I wanted to get closer to him, closer body wise. I wanted him to kiss me more I wanted more. I seen a flash through my eye lid, someone must have taken a picture but I didn't care. What was going on now is all that mattered to me at this moment. After that I seen a few more flashes but again I didn't care

My heart was pounding against my chest, I wasn't sure if this was normal but I didn't like the feeling. I had shortness of breath but each time I went to breath in less and less air was inflating my lungs. I have never felt this way, these feelings were all to new to me and I didn't know what they meant. It was just too overwhelming and confusing. I was getting freaked out because my heart pounded harder. My chest started to hurt and almost no air was inflating my lungs

I needed a minuet to stop and breath. I broke the kiss and I looked at him for a second, I felt overwhelmed with everyone looking at me and with these feelings. I couldn't take it so I ran out the door. I probably looked like a fool for running out like this but it was too much. I slammed the doors open and I headed to the back of the school. I ran down the halls and you could hear the clicking of my boots on the floor. I passed some people on my way to the back of the school but I didn't care. Once I reached the back doors, I opened them and the cool air hit me

I took a few steps outside and I sat on the bench that was there. I started to calm myself down and I took deep breaths, my heart slowed down now and the feelings I had were gone. I now felt empty. I let myself feel empty, I tears started to run down my face, I placed my hand on my face and in my lap. What in the world was going on? I wish I never stepped out of that house, I would've never experience any of this. I would've been happier there. My emotions were all over the place and I've never been like this before. Was something wrong with me? I heard foot steps but whoever it was, they didn't come from inside the school. I knew that because none of the doors opened

"Kat are you okay?"

I looked up. There stood Luke, right in front of me. He must have been outside and not inside where he should be. Why was he here? I didn't want him here, what if Jake comes out? What will he do then? What will I do or say? Then I paused and looked at what he was wearing. He was in a suit with a mask on his head so I could see his face. My eyes looked him up and down. Once I realized what I was doing I stopped and answered him

"I'm fine." I said flatly

He sat down beside me. He sat a reasonable distance away from me, like the other side of the bench. He knew that I was mad at him. He made a good choice, if he touched me right now he would probably regret it. He didn't really say anything after that. He placed his hands on his knees then after he started talking again

"I know, I did the same thing you did when I felt those feelings for the first time."

"You seen the kiss?" I asked

I didn't hear any words so I looked over to him, he was nodding. I started to feel my cheeks heat up, he saw that. I'm not sure if it hurt him in anyway but he didn't look fazed by it. Wait why would I care if I hurt him, it was none of his business anyways. I sighed then I looked back down at the floor

"Kat you shouldn't trust him. He isn't who you think he is."

I shook my head, I stood up and looked at him. I was outraged, he's telling me that Jake isn't who I think he is, what about him! He doesn't talk to me and he knows who I am but I don't even know who he is! Why should I trust him. He shouldn't be telling what to do. I was getting angry now

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