Chapter 19: Things Revealed

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Chapter 19...... Things Revealed

I finally awoke again, I tried moving but I couldn't. I tried moving my arms but they didn't move, I looked to my side to realized I was strapped to a table. I'm going to die like I started, on a table. I think that is what happened but I can't actually remember. Though I'm sure that's what happened. I looked around the room to see only black, there was one light and it hung above me that was it. It wasn't bright either so it was hard to see anything than two feet away from me. I laid there knowing what might come

I am waiting for my death. I'm waiting for someone to stick something in my body to have a negative reaction to the point where my body can't handle it. Causing me extreme pain until I die. That was not the way I wnated to go. My mind was racing and that's when I heard footsteps but I couldn't tell where they were coming from. It echoed in the room I turned my head but I couldn't tell where they were or where they were coming from. After twisting my head every which way it could go, I lifted it up and that's when I seen the man stand in front of me

"Good morning." He said

"Why am I tied up?" I asked

"Oh don't be silly, it's to keep you in place."

"Um let me go." I said

"You are so much like Jen, you look like her. It was almost like you were created in. Her. Image."

The last few words he said were spaced from each other like he paused realizing something. Maybe it wasn't the first time he thought of whatever he was thinking now but I guess it really hit him. He looked at me, his facial expression showed only anger and awe. After he seemed to regain himself to a calm composure, he stepped away back into the darkness but after a few seconds later he returned. He held a picture in front of my face, it was a picture of an adult woman, in her early 20's I'm going to guess. I have seen this picture only a few times before but now looking at it I realized something and maybe it was the same thing he realized. She looked like


"So?" I said

I tried to keep my cool. I was actually a little freaked out but he didn't have to know  

"He made you like her, facial features and personality."

"I don't get it." I said because now I was really confused

"It all makes sense now."

"I'm confused." I said

It was like I was being left out. Which really I was. I wanted to know what in the world was going om

"Let me tell you because it seems like your creator left out some detail about his serum. The one you are filled with."

"My creator was a human, a nice one. So don't try to convince me otherwise."

"Oh is that what he told you?" He scoffed

"No it's what I know." I protested

"Let me tell you a story, about this girl in the picture."

He took the picture away from my face and placed it on the ground beside the table

"You see years ago, before you were created, there was me, your creator and a girl named Jen. Jen and I we loved each other, she was an amazing girl, funny smart and many more things." He said

"Jen was a scientist, a very smart one, she was mostly into human anatomy. Anything about humans excited her and when your creator invented his serum she was so interested. See we kind of worked together but this serum was created behind my back. They started to talk and he offered her a job as an intern in his little lab. I didn't like it but she begged me to let her go, since he was one of the best scientists out there. Having that on her resume would get her places that she only dreamed of. I loved her so much that I couldn't keep her from her dream no matter how much it hurt me."

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