Chapter 2: Welcome To The World Of A Shadow

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Chapter 2..... Welcome To The World Of A Shadow

I walked into the room where I stood at the front of the class. Everyone looked me and I kept my hair in front of me face. I was avoiding all of their eyes and disapproving looks. The first day of school was always the worst for me knowing that at any moment they could find out I truly am. I walked up the the teachers desk, I was being followed by eyes I could feel them. I hated it so much

"Welcome, are you the new student, Kater.."

"Kat." I cut her off

I handed her the note, she nodded and pointed to the only seat left, it was at the back. I didn't bother to look at anyone as I took my seat. She did a lecture and I wrote down everything she said it was an introduction day, and no one looked at me or talked to me. I dogged a big one there. I hope it stays like this. People can just stay away from me I wouldn't care. But judging by the people in my class these kids were stuck up, I am the only one who has bangs that cover my face. I was also the only one wearing a band shirt too, cool. I'm a misfit, like I always was. After a while of her talking she looked at me

"Kat would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked

I stood up and everyone looked at me again. I looked around as boys and girls looked at me in odd ways. To them I look different, to them I was odd. If they only knew I was better and much stronger than them and even very different. I am nothing like them

"Well I'm Kat and I'm new here." I said

"There isn't much more that you need to know." I said as I sat down

I shrugged and they just went back to what they were doing. Maybe I could start off new. I can change now, maybe my life will be better and no one will know, I will just have to lay low. But I know that it will never happen. Nothing more was said about me. Everyone was silent. Welcome to the world of a shadow, no one takes a passing glance. Though a few kids looked me then soon looked away when I made eye contact. Once home room was over I had to go to my English class. No one talked to me or noticed me when I walked in the hallways, I kind of like this. Maybe no one will take interest in me and I can just get through high school easily, I will try my best to lay low

I looked all over for that boy but I never seen him in the class I've had already or in the hallway. I found my class and I was one of the first kids to be in the class and I waited until the teacher went in. I walked in slowly as the others filtered in and they looked at me before they sat down. The teacher looked at me oddly but I took a seat at the front of the class, it didn't bother me at all. I heard a whisper of my name from one of the boys, just Kat though. Good they know me as Kay. But how did they know my name, the fact that I'm the new girl here makes me topic of the day, well behind my back. I have amazing hearing and sight, I could hear the littlest things. The boys talked and they didn't known I could hear them

"She's hot." One said

"We should talk to her." Another one said

I rolled my eyes. I hope they were joking. Once everyone was settled and the teacher introduced herself another lecture was in store. But nothing was said about me and I'm okay with that. It is the first day of school so lectures and information packages away. Every class was going to be like this, it happens every year. So after filling out a bunch of sheets, listening to the teacher talk, listening to others talk, the bell rung. I looked at my schedule, now I have my lunch. I started to pack up my things when a boy came over. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him

"Hey you want to go out tonight?" He asked

The boy was about 6'0" and had blonde hair with brown eyes, I was short compared to him. I knew what this was about, he wanted to ask me out then make fun of me because I am the misfit girl, or ask me out as a prank and hurt me, or try to get into my pants. All options won't work, I'm much smarter than that. I'm not going to fall for that. He looked buff, like he played sports which was probably true. I looked him dead in the eyes

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