Chapter 24: The Final Step To The End

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Since we are nearing the end of this story, I really hoped you enjoyed it. And if you didn't, I have clue why you've reached the end. I really love that people support me and voted and I thank you for it all. I am so happy that people liked this story, to let you guys know I have been doing a lot better. I was told that life is too short to be holding onto the bad things and letting them control you. Life is too short to be sad, I learned that the hard way, jeopardizing my relationship in the process. Which is something I'm not ready to give up. I have been feeling so much better the past few days, it is only at night when I feel sad but that is changing. Anyways I love you guys for supporting this story, also supporting me, and the other stories I have made!


Chapter 24.... The Final Step To The End

"Anna was......" I paused

I guess I'll have to start from scratch. I took a deep breath in as I looked among the people sitting in the room. I locked eyes with everyone, that made me feel slightly more nervous than I already was. I looked over at Luke and he smiled at me. I still had stage fright and I was still nervous about saying goodbye forever but things still have to go on and I have to go with it

"Anna was an amazing girl, she inspired us all in one way or another. Me included, I remember when we were kids she tried to get me to go outside for the first time. I was so scared yet I was 4 years older than her, it was raining and all of us know that being outside for the first time can be a scary thing for creations, but she was different she stood in the face of fear no matter what challenged her."

"I remember running out in the rain with her and ever since then I looked up to her. Even when revenge trifled her, she was still the fearless Anna that I always knew. We had been separated for years and I wish I had protected her better than I had when we were kids. Being with her was one of the most amazing things ever, she was always so happy but lost her life at a very young age to someone who was all so sinful."

"After their tragic mistake, I always blamed myself because it was me they should've taken, and at one point they did have me. I was given ten times the lethal dose, I was considered dead to the human world. Anna was living once more, she gave up her power to save me, for she was the one who was dead to everyone else. She gave up her life to save me."

Tears flooded my eyes as my voice started to crack. I looked back behind me, I stepped away from the podium to her casket, I ran my hand over it. I needed a slight break from talking so I could regain my voice and control my emotions. Once I was ready I spoke loud enough so everyone could hear me

"As I would do for her. As we would all do for her."

After a few seconds of regaining my strength I walked back to the podium and started to speak again

"We have lost an amazing girl but heaven has gained one amazing angel. Rest in piece Anna we all love you and we will miss you dearly." I said

Everyone had tears in their eyes just like I did. I smiled then back away from the podium, then walked away down to my chair. I sat down beside Luke, who held my hand tight as soon as I sat down in my chair. I held his hand tight as well, he reached over to whisper in my ear

"That was amazing Kat." He said

"Thanks." I whispered back

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. Other people went up to the podium to talk about their experiences with Anna. All of us have been touched by her in many ways, me it was her bravery that rubbed off on me. When I grew up without her that's all I had was my bravery, to fight and defend myself against the odds. Though another thing she taught me was how to love. To Luke it was her friendship, which helped him in his time of need and helped him to become friends with me and others as time has past. She healed some of our wounds but now we will have to find a way to fix our wounds without her

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