Chapter 13: Why Her?

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Chapter 13..... Why Her?

January past and still nothing from Jake, not a word, he only looked at me now and then. After what happened between us in December he never talked to me. He just avoided me. His looks weren't even glares or disapproving looks they were just looks, of sadness

Something in my heart told me that he truly wanted me back, but something else told me that he just didn't want that, he wanted much more than that. He was in only one of my classes for second semester. I started to become, slowly, but steadily together with Luke. No rumors went around about me but it was just simply Jake and I had a clean breakup and that's it, no more on that subject which I was happy about. It kept my good reputation clean

February came along and it was on February 14, Valentines day, that Luke and I official started dating. Everyone seemed to accept it without starting rumors. I had made new friends and moved on from the ones I've had before

I never really talked to them anymore considering they talk to Jake, being around them would be awkward. Anna finally joined the school in February with a fake record and real record of where she has been and like I promised we all became friends. Also some of the other creations came together at the school. I finally seen how many of them were actually there before I was. I finished my first semester exams and now I was in my second semester and loving it. Luke was in one of my classes

Anna and I connected our old ties more than before and it was just like nothing happened. We decided not to talk about what happened to us and our creator because it was in the past and there was no way we can change the past. On Valentines day, Luke asked me out and here is how he did it. When I got to school that morning and there he stood with roses and some chocolate. He asked me to be his valentine and I was

Really that was all he had to do because well he was with me before then but no one else knew. Now how about we get back to today. It was now May and it was a very fragile day for all the creations. Today was the day that we were all separated from each other and our creator was killed, including Luke's creator. The three of us sat at the lunch table, because the others were not here today or they were busy, and quietly discussed what we were going to do in remembrance of them

"All of us are going to meet at the usual place. Just bring some candles." Luke said

Anna and I nodded. Tonight was the night we will never forget, when we were all separated from each other and our new lives were created for us. The bell rang and I headed to my next class with Luke, we walked hand in hand. We walked into the class we were in and sat together like we normally did and worked on any class work we were given. Soon the class was over and he walked me to my last class, he gave me a kiss and I walked into my class. I smiled as I said goodbye, as soon as I got through the door there sat Jake in the front and it was just him and I. I sat down at my desk and it was three desks away from Jake

He sat near the door and I sat three desks to the left of him. I sat down and I said nothing, neither did he. It was really awkward and I could tell he was probably looking at me. Though I kept my eyes on the chalkboard and I didn't even bother to look in his direction. Our teacher walked in and that's when I silently sighed with relief. Once the class was finished, I couldn't be happier. I was now able to get away from Jake. I headed to my locker to place my books in it and to get ready to go home. I walked down the hallways to my locker avoiding Jake at all times. I got to my locker and opened it, and once I did a piece of paper fell out and hit the ground. It was folded shut, I looked at the little piece of paper by my feet and I was very confused

"What is this?" I asked myself

I picked up the paper and I opened it. My eyes went wide as I read the little paper? My heart started to race. I looked over the note a few times, I couldn't tell who wrote it because it was cut out lettering from papers and magazines so I couldn't tell who the culprit is. There was no way to tell who made this note because there was no handwriting so I couldn't match it to anyone. The note said 'You are in danger tonight.' I looked over the note once more and I tossed it back in the locker as my heart raced more. I looked at the note that was now at the bottom of my locker, it must stay there. No one can ever see this not even Luke

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