Chapter 14: Facing The Truth

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Chapter 14..... Facing The Truth

It took me forever to take two steps away from her body and to stop crying. Anna looked so peaceful as she laid there. The blood finally stopped coming out of her body. She was just laying there just like I left her. Luke was holding my waist as I trembled, I couldn't believe what happened and right beside me too. All the creations were surrounding her now, they finally came out of the shadows. All of them were devastated like me. But I think I was the most devastated

I bent down to her body again. I took her arm and lifted up, her body was cold now. I grabbed her hand and I placed her thumb on her locket and I was hoping that it would still open even if she is dead. After a few seconds it came undone and I held it in my hand. I promised her I would take it and I started to cry again. I knew I had to remove myself from her dead body but I couldn't. Luke took me over to the side and that's when I blurted out the note I found in my locker

"I should have trusted that note, this is all my fault."

"Kat what note?" Luke asked sternly

"Someone slipped a note in my locker, saying that I was in danger tonight."

"Kat someone knows who we are, someone is trying to worn us or they want you."

"Why me?"

"I don't know. You're the only one who lived among the humans after our creators were killed. You are the only one who has been involved with humans most of your life. It could many different things."

"What about Anna? What if that note was meant for Anna."

Luke frowned

"If it was for Anna it would have been in her locker, two halls over. There was no way they could've mistaken your lockers."

This just didn't make sense to me. Why was I wanted? Luke is the head of the group why wasn't he wanted? Anna did nothing wrong. I was the one who caused all the problems in my life. I was the one who took their life for granted no one else did just me. Maybe if I was gone they wouldn't have to go through all this trouble. The creations stepped back from her, giving her and us space

"I think Anna's death was a mistake. I think the arrow was meant for you."

"I'd rather me than her." I said

He stiffened for a few solid seconds then loosened again. Did my words do that? Was he really that effected by my words, but it's true I'd rather be dead than Anna, she had her whole life ahead of her

"We need to protect each other. After this we have to keep our eyes open. Very open." He said

Luke took my hand, I was still covered in blood but by now it was completely dry. We took a few steps back to join the others. He sighed. We knew we were in danger now

"Someone out there is after us. I believe that arrow was meant for Kat instead of Anna."

Everyone gasped. Luke was right that arrow was for me. Whoever shot it missed by only a small fraction and hit Anna instead. That could've been me instead of Anna on the ground. That scared me no matter how much I don't want to say it but it really did. I could be where Anna is now, dead but I would rather that

"Collect everything. Make sure everything looks like the way we found it." Luke instructed the others

They did what he said without a question and they scattered to gather the candles plus everything else that was there. I stayed there with Luke and I just held Anna's locked in my hand, I was confused on what he was getting them to do. I was confused about everything right about now. Nothing seemed real to me

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