Chapter 20: Is This Goodbye?

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Chapter 20.... Is This Goodbye?

So just to clarify things, the house mentioned in chapter 19 was also mentioned in chapter 7. In chapter 7 it was when Jake and Kat went out for lunch and Kat looked out the window to notice a run down house from the restaurant. As for chapter 19 it was when Luke looked from the house to the restaurant to notice the lights and people. So it's the same house and same restaurant just from different views. I hope that clarifies things

*Luke's Point Of View*

I touched her face and she didn't move

"Kat." I whispered

She didn't even twitch when I said her name. Her eyes shouldn't be blue, not that kind of blue. Her eyes are bright turquoise blue when they should be a light sky blue or even a light green. I couldn't believe who she was now. She grabbed me and Anna by the arms and lead us down the stairs, I was happy that she didn't push us down. That would really hurt. At least there was some good left in her. The top floor of the house was old and worn but when you reached the stairs of the basement it was something else. It was a full laboratory and it was new

She dragged us down the stairs until we reached the bottom then she pushed us down and we fell to our knees. She walked away to stand in front of us. In this position she towered over us, but it's odd she only looked me in the eyes, she never really looked into Anna's eyes. It was like looking at me triggered something in her to realize what she was doing was wrong but it wasn't enough to over come it, I wish it was. There has to be a way

"Good girl." The man said

It was the same man as before of course. He was behind all of this, I knew it. He came out of what almost seemed like nowhere. He walked up to Kat and stood there with her, Jake followed. I really hated him now after all of this. I knew there was something about him, that's why I never liked him. I was right and this is what happened. They stood there looking at us

"I see Anna has survived." He said looking at Anna

Anna nodded, Kat never looked down at her. Maybe if she looked at the both of us she would break. I wish that was true. Her blue eyes were only focused on me and it made me feel uneasy. Those blue eyes were not hers. I kept my eyes locked with hers but I stayed still. I never moved because if I did, I knew I would be in trouble. Though for a second my eyes moved from hers to see my surroundings. I looked around to see Kat's locket sitting on a tray. How did it get there? How did they get it off of her?

"You guys are trespassing." He said

"We are taking back what is ours." Anna said

"I think she is ours now."

"No, she is ours. We want her back." Anna said

"She listens to me now." He said as he smiled

"Kat take them and place them on the table."

She nodded and came over, grabbed us by the arms and lead is to the tables. There was two of them and they seemed like surgical tables, though one was bolted to the ground while the other one wasn't. They must have brought in that second table. With one arm she placed Anna gently on the table and strapped her in, yet it was still lose from what I can see. She was strong, like when she was angry but I knew she was calm right now. Next she placed me on the table beside Anna. She placed me there gently like she did to Anna and I was strapped in but it was still lose, she looked at me and that's when I seen a glimpse of red in her eyes, over the blue

It was only a split second and I wasn't sure if I saw it but it felt like it was real. My gut was telling me that it was real. That would explain the things that were going on, her being gentle with us and the straps being lose. But I couldn't get my hopes up. I had a feeling my Kat isn't gone, maybe she was still there. After that she walked back over to the man and Jake. She looked at us and that's when he placed his hand on her shoulder, she moved her head to look back at him

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