Chapter 22: Fighting For Anna

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Chapter 22... Fighting For Anna

I grabbed Anna's locket before we left because I wanted them to see it, to let them know who she was and what she will never be. If you recall, I placed it in my pocket. Luke drove to the heart of this small the city. Anna laid in the back, when I looked back at her she looked so peaceful, who knew seeing her like this again would break my heart. Knowing that she was around longer than I thought made me feel happy but now I have to let her go, she was my sister and I loved her dearly but it's time. She gave up her life so I can live mine to the fullest. I couldn't thank her enough for that. I turned back around to face the windshield 

The drive there was a quiet one, I didn't say a word and neither did Luke. I guess we didn't want to talk about what might happen and what just happened. So much has gone on in the past few days it was too hard to comprehend. I was occupied with thoughts though, which is why I didn't say anything to Luke. While I was lost in my flowing thoughts, we pulled into the building and no one stopped us, it's a small town with a mellow feel. But after the past few days I'm surprised it was this mellow. I'm sure they have protection though if they need it 

"How are we going to get her in?" I asked

"Just take her in." He answered

To me that seemed like a crazy idea. I looked at him with wide eyes but he wasn't paying any attention to me. Luke parked the car near the front doors while I still looked at him with wide eyes

"What?" He asked

"Just take her in? Do you know how crazy that sounds?"

"Well do you really think they'll come out here?" He asked

"Well I guess not. We will take her in." I said

We got out and I grabbed Anna, I cradled her in my arms. I smiled, it was almost like she was a little kid again. When she was just a young toddler she would let me hold her and cradle her. She was fully dressed and there was a blanket over her, it reminded me of when she was little and she would fall asleep in my arms. A few times she would fall asleep looking up at the stars at night and I would go get her from outside and bring her in to tuck her into bed. I used to smile as she would open her eyes then close them to go back to sleep. Those were a few of my favourite memories, she always liked to be in my arms or sit on my lap 

Tears started to form in my eyes but I didn't dare to let them out, not here and not now. Luke and I walked through the short section of the parking lot and into the building. Not many people were there, this made me feel better. I looked around, no one was looking at me and there was hardly anyone around. I felt a little relief. We went to the front desk. It felt so odd holding her like this since she wasn't a young kid anymore, I looked down at her and I seen a memory flash right before my eyes. Anna was smaller like a kid and she would always ask me to pick her up and I couldn never say no

But as fast as that memory popped into my head, it faded and I came out of my trip down momoey lane. Anna's small body became it's medium sized self. She was shorter than me so she was easier to carry than a full sized human. Luke and I stood at the desk, how did it get here? I must have been absentmindedly walking, well at least I didn't bump into anything

"Hi may I help you?" The man at the desk asked

He never looked up from his computer screen

"We need to see someone in high power." Luke said

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No." Luke said

"Then I can't let you go."

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