Chapter 15: Accept Who You Are

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Chapter 15 .... Accept Who You Are

I only fell asleep for an hour then my alarm went off. Luke and I woke up again as we were still holding each other. The warmth from his body made me feel safe. I got up slowly got up and he laid there. I walked over to my closet, then I grabbed some school clothes and walked to the bathroom. My body felt gross and my hair was all knotted and dry. I turned on the water then I hopped in the shower, it woke me up a little. Once I washed my body and my hair I got out. Once I dried off I got ready for school, I was trying to forget what happened last night, but how could I? My sister died in my arms. I sighed. I looked in the mirror and I seen I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep

"Kat I don't want to die." I heard her voice faintly say

"I'm sorry Anna. I wish I could've done more to save you. Why did our lives have to be so difficult?" I whispered as I clutched my chest

I sighed again and walked back into my room, but there was no Luke in sight. My window was open, did he leave me? I wouldn't blame him if he did. I grabbed all my school stuff and with my wet hair I went downstairs to the kitchen, I placed my stuff down by the door and when I looked up I seen Luke making toast, I guess he didn't leave after all. I walked over to him and he handed me toast, I wasn't really hungry though, I had no appetite. I felt like I was going to be sick more than anything

"Kat eat it." He said

"I'm not hungry." I said

"Please eat something." He begged

I took the toast from him and ate it a little at a time, besides if I ate it all at once I would throw it all up. I'm so traumatized I couldn't eat anything without struggling to keep it down and I knew I was still shaking. I finished my toast and waited for him to get ready. Once we were ready we headed to school, I didn't care if it look obvious that we were together all night we needed each other. I needed him more than anything last night. If I was alone last night I probably would've done something that I would regret

I really didn't want to go to school today. I just wanted to stay home so I could cry in Luke's arms and eat junk food. We walked hand in hand but I just couldn't get my mind off of Anna. I shouldn't be going to school today but I made myself go. Plus it might be a little obvious that I stayed home after my best friend died, we I'm not supposed to know that yet. At the school the flag was waving at half mass. Anna was found and they knew. The only time the flag flew at half mass was when someone died or for some special occasion and I'm sure the section option isn't the case. We walked into the school and everyone was grieving. One of my old friends came up to me

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?" I asked

"Anna. She was murdered."

It was just like being there when I held her and watched her die, all of last night flashed before my eyes. I felt like I was going to be sick. I broke down crying again. Luke held me tight. This wasn't a nightmare, it was real. Everyone knew, everyone was grieving. Though I knew I was probably grieving the most, I was her sister, she was my everything, she was the only thing that kept me going before I knew she was still alive. What will I do now? Luke walked me to class, once I reached the door I stood there holding him becasue I didn't want him to leave my side

After a big hug and some convincing words I walked into class without Luke. I sat down at my desk. The teacher came in with a frown on her face. She looked at me and I guess she seen that my eyes were red, her frown increased. A little after class started there was an announcement we had an unexpected assembly, I decided once I got into the auditorium I would sit by Luke and hold his hand. That's what happened. When everyone was seated the principle came up to the microphone

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