Chpater 9: So I'm Not Alone

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Chapter 9...... So I'm not alone

The red eyes came closer to me. Then I realized something. This wasn't the time for me to be scared this is life or death, what am I doing on the ground? I got rid of my fear and I stood up. I tilted my head down and I felt my eyes starting to burn, my red eyes were coming out after all this time. I lifted my head up to come face to face with red eyes. But everything around that had red eyes stopped in their tracks as I faced the thing in front of me. I stared it down, eye to eye. I was not fearing the things in front of me, and then it's eyes turned sky blue. I looked around and all the other eyes turned blue, green, grey, all sorts of colours. I was confused now, I blinked and the burning was gone

"Kat, I'm right here." Luke said as he placed his hand on my shoulder

He was the one in front of me all along, he was the one who was facing me. He was so close to me, it was like earlier, so close that I could've kissed him. The image of him and I kissing popped into my head and I don't know why. As I was lost in my thoughts he took my hand which made me come back to reality. I was so confused and I was still terrified at what happened just seconds ago. What did happen? I looked at all the people that were there, some seemed young others looked my age or older, though I couldn't really see their faces. They were close enough to me that I could see some of their facial features

"Who are all these people?" I asked

"They're our bothers and sisters, and friends. They are creations, just like you and me." He said

"What? You and me?"

Then all of them stepped forward, I seen all their faces. I could see their features much better now. They looked human but they all had a locket, heart shaped, silver and gold, lockets. All different sizes but they were all hearts. All the lockets gave off light, I looked down at mine. Every locket glowed different colours including mine. I held my locket tight, I looked at everyone. I'm not alone, there are others just like me and some of their faces I recognized

"Are we all from the same creator?"

"No, I'm from a different creator. But the creators were close, that's how I know."

"How did they all survive?" I asked

I looked around in shock. They were all alive, like me

"We fought like we were taught to. But you got off lucky Kat. They put us through testing and everything and we escaped. Then we had to relocated."

I smiled. All these people are my family and friends, the circle was small but I'm not alone anymore. There are people of my kind still here, I can be normal around them. I'm not alone anymore, I can't believe it. After all these years of feeling trapped I was finally set free 

"How did you guys find each other?"

"Our lockets, and other ways. All of us were relocated to here, and then you showed up here. It was a fluke that you did, because you were the only one who didn't get caught and we weren't sure where you were. Or if we would ever find you again."

I was the only one who didn't get caught. I started thinking. I didn't get caught, then I remember that night, when they took Anna from my arms. Wait. Anna! I need to know where she is and if she is okay. Luke was right beside me and in a fit of anxiousness I blurted  

"Where's Anna?" I said grabbing Luke

I let go of him shortly after I realized what I was doing, I slightly calmed down and stepped away from Luke. I slightly smiled, why did I just do that. Luke looked at me and he frowned

"No. God no." I whispered

My fears have came true. Anna was gone, all because I didn't fight to protect her that night. I let her slip away, I should have held her tight and ran for our lives but I didn't. I'm such an idiot! I lost the best thing I had, all because I didn't fight. I wasn't sure what to do up until because I had no certainty if she was still alive or not, but now I know. If I only knew what I know now. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. My body was tucked into to itself as I cried

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