Chapter 11

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A/N: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it took me a while to post, considering I normally post nearly daily. But I was taking a much-needed vacation, so it's all good, right? I know that things are confusing right now, but I'm trying to make it so the crazy idea that is this story works just as well on paper as it did in my head. I'm crazy, I know. Just please, stay with me here! If you're really confused, just leave a comment saying so, or message me, and I'll clear the confusion. 


They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking in Circles

Chapter 11

“Serena, honey, we’re having a small get-together tonight, for New Years,” Liv informed me as she waltzed into my room that morning, the morning of New Years Eve.

I nodded, still half-asleep. “Sure, I want some pancakes.”

Liv just shook her head at me and grinned. “Fine. But only because you haven’t tasted pancakes with your new memory yet.” She left the room, to go make breakfast, I assumed.

I stayed in my bed and sighed. It had been almost a week since I woke up in this room. I now realized that being a bitch and trying to escape foolishly wasn’t the solution. If I ever wanted God to give it back, I had to deserve it, and be smart about it, as well. But I had a feeling I’d be stuck like this for a while.

I figured I might as well take the New Year to heart. I was going to begin a new year, with a new life, and a new body, apparently. I had to live with it. Yeah, it sucked, but what was I supposed to do? Wish for my life back? There was no way. I had to find the real Serena first. But there would be time for that. I couldn’t now, because the Magnus’s had me under a death grip.

I missed my family and my friends. Hell, I even missed Forrest, of all people. The one thing I didn’t miss was Westley and his psychotic death grip on me. I felt bad for Serena, who had to put up with that. I hope she was smarter than I was about it. I should’ve just gone to the police. I’m so stupid sometimes, I swear. I really, really wanted to just go over to my house, but really, what was I supposed to say? That even though I looked like Serena Magnus, I was really Shay Barron? Pfft, like any sane person would believe me.

I flipped around and fell back asleep, but Matt just had to barge in and sit on me. Yes, he actually sat on me.

“Get off of me, you freak!” I shrieked.

He just laughed and snuggled his butt into my backside. So I did what any normal person would’ve done. I bit him and then pushed him off.

“God, I just came in to say that the pancakes are ready!”

My stomach was practically empty, so I belted out the door when I heard that. What? I’m a hungry girl.


“Did you see the dress I left on your bed?” Liv asked me.

“Dress?” I asked. “You mean that thing I sat on when I went back to sleep?”

Liv sighed. “Yes, that ‘thing’, is your New Year’s dress.”

“Oh.” I nodded. “I’m supposed to wear that?”

It was a cute dress, but it was fancier than I was used to. Normally, on New Year’s, I just wore a nice shirt and jeans, and it was just my family, Maddie and Jasmine. It was a short silver strapless dress.


I nodded. “Oh, alright.”

I went upstairs and changed into the dress. When I looked in the reflection, I looked nice, as usual. But I hated what I saw. It wasn’t me, and I knew that I would never be able to look at this reflection and feel at peace with it. It wasn’t me. I wanted to look in the mirror, and see myself, not some stranger. But that wasn’t something I could change at the moment, and I knew it, so I put that thought aside and decided to take a short nap before the guests arrived. The clock said it was only seven, so I figured I could keep it short.

They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking In Circles!Where stories live. Discover now