Chapter 33

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They Say Love Hides Behind Every Corner. I Must Be Walking in Circles

Chapter 33

“Shay?” a female voice asked from behind me, a voice that I had come to know and love, since it had been my voice for so long and also because I was now friends with the true owner of said voice. All in all, this voice was very easy to recognize. “Oh, my God, it is you!”

I whirled around, ignoring the confused glances the people surrounding me (basically, my friends, my sister and Forrest and his annoying friends) were giving each other, and, most of all, me. “Holy crap, S!”

Serena’s eyes went from me to the group, overall, and then to Forrest. Her eyes widened significantly, and she opened her mouth to speak, but seemed to decide against it, for she closed it nearly immediately after.

I gave her a quit-being-so-freaking-obvious-you-stupid-turd look, because with how she was behaving, my little group would begin to become suspicious—well, more suspicious than they already were by Serena's unexpected appearance, considering I never hung out with Serena before the whole switch thing—and that would only cause problems for me.

Luckily for me, the look I gave her seemed to do its job of getting the message across, because she nodded meaningfully, and—thank the Lord—secretively.

I nearly let out a sigh of relief right then and there, but luckily, I managed to cover it up as a cough.

Then, Serena seemed to resolve on something, since she nodded again, this time in a decisive manner, and grabbed me by the arm. “I have something totally important to talk about with you, and I think you've got something, too.”

She dragged me over to the nearest restaurant, a pizza joint, and all I could do was send an apologetic shrug towards my friends.

They looked mostly confused, but nothing in their expressions told me that I would have some heavy-duty explaining to do later, which was always a plus. When you were me, you had a lot of those explaining moments, unfortunately.

I caught the glare Maddie sent to me at the last minute, but then I also caught the grin she replaced the glare with when she most likely realized that she could keep hanging out with Paul. Maybe, while I was gone, she would actually learn his name and “tell” me so I wouldn’t feel so weird, being the only one who knew his name.

Serena and I ordered our food and drinks silently. Well, we were silent to each other. Serena was quietly fighting with this girl that worked there, who she apparently had had some issues with in the past, and I was arguing, rather loudly, I will admit, with this stupid oaf who kept getting my order wrong.

God. Employees these days were so unreliable and stupid.

When we finally received our orders, the right way, we sat down calmly.

And then, all hell broke loose.

“Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Serena said in a loud voice. “Was it broken? What happened? I thought you weren’t supposed to be talking to Forrest at all? I’m so f-ing confused.”

“Wait, how do you even know about all of this? I thought I was the only one who kept her memory. I wasn't really paying attention when the details were told to me.” I was the confused one, now, too. I hated being confused. I wasn't sure why, but I did.

“This ugly bald asshole showed up at my house and scared the f-ing crap outta me, if that’s what you’re talking about,” Serena replied with a scowl. “He wouldn’t stop talking, I swear. And then he was, like, ‘Shay has made the ultimate sacrifice, for your sake, Miss Serena Magnus’ and I was, like, ‘Dude, just call me Serena, you sound like a turd’. And then when I found out that this sacrifice he was talking about was a love sacrifice, I freaked out.”

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