Chapter 21

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     "Brynn!" my dad's voice echoes through the phone. He called me when we were in the car, so I have to listen to him get mad at me for something while actively being around some people. The vans could fit eight, so I'm in a van with groups 1 and 2. 

     "Yes," I groan, and I can hear him huff from the other side of the line.

     "Don't send the boys out in groups. Keep them separated," my dad tells me, and I raise an eyebrow.

     "But wouldn't they get lost," I object, and my dad laughs.

     "They are big boys Brynn. They can take care of themselves," he mocks me before hanging up.

      "Guess who I get to see tonight?" Cameron smiles widely, his white teeth showing.

     "I don't know," I answer, and his smile becomes even bigger.

     "My girlfriend, Alaysha. We're going on a date tonight while some of her friends go meet you. They'd been planning this for months," he announces, making me smile. It amazes me how people would actually drive multiple hours and plan to come see me. I mean this was announced like eight months ago so people could arrange it but still.

     "Brady also gets to see his girlfriend," I nudge him, since he's sitting in the seat next to me. He blushes and looks down.

       "Nice joke, but the whole world knows she has a boyfriend already," he tells me, and Cam scoffs.

       "When I was your age, I was crazy for this girl. She was, and still is, beautiful. We'd talk sometimes, and it'd make my day. Anything she said was just hilarious. But the sad thing was, she had a boyfriend. I knew we'd be perfect for each other, but she was already in a relationship. I didn't try to flirt with her or anything, but I just let it be. They ended up breaking up, and I was there to help her, to be the shoulder she could cry on. I ended up asking her out a couple of months later, and we've been together ever since. Her name is Alexis, and she's my world," he announces, making me smile.

     "Wait, how many of you guys actually have girlfriends?" I don't know why, but I was under the impression that all of these boys were single. Andrew Bloom, Cam, and Cameron all raise their hands.

       "I have a girlfriend named Carlye," he announces, leaving me wondering what other boys have girlfriends.

     "What other boys have girlfriends?" I ask, and some of the boys shrug.

     "I think Mikey is dating a girl named Bianca, and Jaden is dating someone named Lauren but he sometimes refers to her as Lori," Brady answers.

     "Oh Gavin is dating a girl named Ibby while Jon is dating an Abby.  Mikes also has a girlfriend named Rayanna," Cameron announces, and I nod, mentally adding in Hannah and Devin.

       "Wait, doesn't Michael have a girlfriend?" Brady asks, and Chance nods. I feel my jaw slack some. What? He would have told me if he had a girlfriend. My stomach drops.

      "Yeah, he was telling me about her the other day," Chance responds, making my throat go dry. I pull a stank face, and start trying to breathe in and out.

       "I remember that. He talked about how he feel for her right when he met her and that they've been inseparable since then," Cam announces, and the tears start to prickle in my eyes. A part of me feels betrayed, thinking of everything we've done together in the past couple weeks. It feels wrong to look back at it and know he had a girlfriend throughout the whole thing. A tear slips through my eyes, but I try to hide it quickly. Cam puts his phone away after doing something on it and high fives Brady before they both start laughing.

       "Oh my gosh this is hilarious!" Cam announces, and Chance smiles.

     "What is?" I ask, concerned by more of the tears welling up in my eyes.

     "It was a prank!" Andrew Butcher yells out before cackling. (A/N I don't use the word cackling to say anything negative towards Andrew. I just love the word cackling)

       "And we got your reaction on video!" Cam holds his phone up in the air, and I glare at them.

     "What the hell guys!" I yell, and some of them are taken aback.

     "We messed up," Andrew Bloom murmurs under his breath, and I nod.

     "Yes you six imbeciles did! Now delete the video," I command, and Cameron smirks. He grabs the phone out of Cam's hand.

     "Well, it's either you let us keep it, or I click this button and send it to Michael," he hovers his finger over the send icon, making the color drain out of my face.

     "You wouldn't," I say, and he does the unthinkable. He clicks the button. My eyes widen.

     "We weren't ACTUALLY going to keep the video, or send it to Michael," Chance scolds Cameron, and he raises his hands.

     "She asked for it," he defends himself, but I start heavily breathing in and out.

       "That was a dick move," Andrew scolds, and Cameron seems taken aback.

     "I was told that we were supposed to show it to Michael," he yells, and Chance glares at him.

     "Go to the backseat Cameron," he commands, and Cameron surprisingly listens, moving to the backseat.

     "Nice prank guys," I laugh, catching on. This is obviously a prank to get me to freak out even more, but I'm not falling for it.

     "What do mean? This isn't a prank. That was legitimately sent to him," Brady tells me, and I start freaking out even more. The tears start to build up in my eyes, but I hold them back.

     "Brady Patrick Tutton, if you are lying to me tell me now or I will not forgive you," I warn him, giving him one last chance to come clean.

      "I'm sorry, but I'm dead serious," Brady says hesitantly, as if he's trying to break the news in a little softer. I feel sick to my stomach, and Brady wraps his arms around me, giving me a hug. I even start to cry, and he hugs me even more. I feel humiliated, and the only thing worse would be if that one video of me from the other day got posted. Chance hugs from the other side, making me the meat in the sandwich.

     "What happened to never finding anyone attractive or falling for them?" Andrew Butcher asks me, and the other Andrew slaps him on the shoulder.

     "Not now," he murmurs.

     "Just enjoy this meet and greet, and we'll deal with it," Chance smiles, but I know it can't just be "dealt with."

All I can say to this picture is "yes" and "can I be there?"

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All I can say to this picture is "yes" and "can I be there?"

I tried to introduce more people this chapter, but more are coming soon.

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